A DATE (8)

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Thanks to Mason I have a date which is starting any second. It's been a week since I helped that woman give birth and I've been texting back and forth with Carina... yep that's her name. After a pretty awkward conversation, she told me it. We're meeting at Joe's so it'll be a pretty comfortable environment for me at least. I've been sitting here for about an hour now waiting for her to turn up. She's not late but I wanted to be early, early would normally mean 20 means early if there's traffic. But my brain spiralled to where I believed there could be a massive car crash or something that would mean I would be late, not thinking that I live like 15 minutes from here. I've got a beer bottle in my hand; I've been nervously peeling off the label waiting for Carina to arrive.

"Hi bella, how are you?" She asks as she kisses my cheek before sitting opposite me in a booth.

"Hi, I'm all good. How are you?" I hope this goes well.

"I'm good. Do you want another drink?" She asks as she gets ready to get up.

"I do, but I'll go get them for us. What do you want?" I say as I get up, she asks for white wine.


I give Joe the order and wait for him to complete it. I also asked if he could give me the bottle of wine so we don't need to get up for at least a while.

"Hi Maya" I hear from behind me. Turning around I'm met with Jack.

"Oh, Jack. How are you? What are you doing here?" I ask him while smiling.

"I'm all good, you? I'm here for a date with Andy. She's sitting over there. What are you doing here?" He returns the questions.

"Oh, I'm all good too. I hope you have a good date with Andy. I'm just meeting a friend" I reply before quickly walking back to the booth.

"Who were you talking to? Do I need to be jealous, bella?" Carina asks me as she moves her wine glass to her side.

"That's Jack, I work with him at the fire station. He's on a date with one of my close friends. I wasn't really expecting to see anyone here tonight" I reply

"Are you trying to keep me a secret?" This question makes me panic for a second. I've only met her once.

"I'm joking, I'm also hoping I don't see anyone today." She replies while chuckling.

"How long have you worked at Grey Sloan for?" I ask after taking a sip from my beer bottle, still picking at the label while trying to concentrate on the beautiful woman in front of me.

"I've worked here for about a year. I moved here to be closer to my brother and to leave home and I guess make a new home. How long have you been a firefighter for?" She returns the question. As she talked about leaving Italy, she makes a particular face. I need to know the reason why.

"I'm pretty new to firefighting. I'm nearly 9/10 months into it and I'm mostly loving it. I'm guessing you have something to do with babies?" I reply smiling, I could talk about the actual fire stuff for hours if I was allowed.

"You seem pretty passionate about it. Yeah I'm an OBGYN so I work with anything vagina related which sometimes means helping mamas give birth to their babies." She replies back really enthusiastically, I guess we both love our jobs.

"Hi Maya" we both turn our heads to see Andy and Jack.. great.

"Hi Andy and Jack, this is Carina" I say as I gesture towards Carina opposite me.

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