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I'm going to miss it; I'm going to miss prison. I'm going to miss the beige uniform and the people I've met here. My old therapist started working part time at the prison, so I even got thrown into therapy sessions again. Talking about my dad became old news eventually, what he did was wrong and what I did was wrong. I've even placed a restraining order against him which feels good, it feels safe.

I haven't really sent any letters to Maya, but I have been seeing Carina once a month and apparently Maya completely understands and supports my idea of needing space. There hasn't really been any reason for me wanting space, I just started to forget that I had asked for it, but Maya hadn't. After my last letter, there was a small phone call between before it went radio silent. But today Maya is picking me up without Carina, I will be properly talking to Maya for the first time in about 9 months, it'll be strange.


With my very few belongings handed out to the few men I got on with in my ward, I was walked to a room to sign paperwork. I had been given clothes that Maya had dropped off earlier so at least I had some clothes on that were civilian-like or hand-me-downs. It was a quick process, and I was out of the gate within a few minutes.

"Ready?" Maya asked as I stepped into her car and put my seatbelt on. She had a different car to last time, it was a black Land Rover with mud smeared from the tires all the way up to the roof. I nodded, I didn't know how to bridge a conversation and I knew that ultimately, we'd have to talk about dad, it would be a healthy thing, but I could feel the anxiety radiating off of both of us.

"So, how was prison?" She asked as we left through the second gates.

"Not quite like the vacation I hoped it would be" I joke and almost immediately, the mood changes. We share a little laugh, and everything feels more light-hearted than before.

"If it was more like a vacation I'd be surprised. I heard that your therapist started coming to the prison and you got to see her. How was that?" she asked me and suddenly the anxious environment filled the car.

"Therapy is therapy, we spoke about dad, and I've now got a restraining order against him. Who knew criminals could get restraining orders for people who should be considered criminals" I joke but wince as I finish what I was saying, with no contact to Maya I don't really have a clue on how she is with "our" dad. Sure, Carina had filled me in on a few things, but I still wasn't sure.

"Yeah, therapy means talking, I'm not used to it yet. Surprisingly Carina and I also now have a restraining order against him, and dad has also been a big topic" She shares and despite my surprised look that she caught, I was happy she was getting help.

The conversation started to flow until we were parking back outside of Jack's apartment, I was confused. Surely Jack had a new roommate. But I still followed behind my older sister until we were stood outside Jack's apartment. The door swung open, and I was met with both Jack and Carina.

"What's up man?" Jack asked casually as if I really had been on vacation, he didn't make it weird. I pull him in for a quick man hug before making my way over to Carina, the person I've been looking forward to seeing the most.

"How are you Mase? I hope Maya hasn't caused any issues on the drive" Carina chimes is as she hugs me, it felt good to finally hug her after she became a bit of a rock for me.

"Prison is prison, I think that's becoming my new catchphrase" I say, I feel myself hugging Carina tighter.

"Right, well Jack has something to tell you" Maya pipes up and I'm suddenly confused again.

"So, some things have happened over the last year, and I don't live here anymore. I've still got two months on the lease, but I've moved into a house down the street from your sister's apartment. I've got an idea. Do you want to live here for the two months and see how you feel living alone? If after that you want to keep living here, we can help you pay but if you don't. I have a spare room that is slightly separate from the house, so you'll have your own area" Jack says, and I can feel my eyes start to water as despite everything, he still wants to support me.

"I'd love nothing more" I say as I look around what will be my bachelor pad for the next two months.

"Here's your keys, I still have a spare key so if you ever forget yours, you can come by the station and ask for me" He explains as he both hands me the key and starts to lead out the door. Looking over towards my sister and her girlfriend, I feel content.

"Right, we'll also be off. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Carina. I love you, don't get into trouble. I've also managed to persuade your old manager to keep you on. Goodbye" Maya states as she too walks towards the door, Carina is slightly slower than her.

"Fuck" Maya exclaims as I hug her for the first time in however long.

"Thank you, I love you too" I whisper into her ear, both of us crying slightly. I don't know why I'm emotional.

"I love both of you" I say as I pull away and hug Carina.

"Oh, before we forget, there's a laptop and phone in your room that has everything you need to set it up. We've also filled some of your cupboards with basic things you'll need. And despite Maya searching for them, all of the candy is in the bread bin next to the oven" Carina says chuckling as Maya scowls. I can see Carina grab Maya's hand, stopping Maya from charging back into the apartment to get the candy she's obviously been searching for.

"See you" I say, and they leave, closing the door behind them.


"I was okay, right? I wasn't pressuring him or being too forward?" I couldn't help but ask questions about how I acted towards Mason. It took some getting used to, the whole needing space thing but eventually it made sense. Diane, my therapist, showed me that space is good, and it doesn't mean that he's pushing me away.

"You were perfect bambina; you did everything exactly right. You didn't need your checklist on 'how to act around Mase', did you?" She smirked; she enjoys the list despite the stupidness that she tends to think they are.

"I-I wasn't sure. I don't want to push him away, I put our phone numbers on a list of details in his room so I guess he can reach out. I don't want to do anything wrong" With Diane's help, I realised that the biggest trigger for my anxiety was my family. My dad being the top of the list, we'd worked through a timeline of my life, and I started to realise that panic attacks weren't a normal thing. I started to realise that I had changed who I was for my dad's sake. I'd learnt that after leaving my family home, I taught myself to cry again. It's harder than you think.

"You did everything perfectly, but I can tell you're worn out. You've had a big day emotionally. How about we have some self-care tonight? Order dinner and watch a movie?" She asks me. It's another thing Diane taught me, I need to take time for myself and especially on days where is struggle or things get overwhelming.

"You're the perfect human, beautiful" I whisper before we kiss.

"Right when we said self-care... did we have to watch One Tree Hill again? I know this is a favourite of yours, but you only watch it for Brooke and Nathan, and you hate Lucas. Couldn't we skip to like season 6?" I whine. Her self-discovery of her childhood has been fun and tiring. She's now worked herself up to her teenage self, and one of the things she loves is a drama show. It's a good drama show, but she's been rewatching it incessantly, I can say everything word for word.

"Lucas cheats on everyone and you know Brooke and Nathan has so much growth. Therapy might get me to Nathan standards" She exclaims, almost offended by my questions. Knowing that she was too transfixed for me to do anything, I decide to lay on her lap and watch with her. The perfect end to a day.

"I love you so much, bambina" I say before sleeping. A few words that hold so much truth. 



These will be slow updates as I am concentrating more on "Your Number 1 Fan". I am trying to write this one but I have a writer's block. 

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