5 WEEKS IN (2)

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Yep, you've guessed it. It's been 5 weeks since my first shift. I must say I've loved it. I think I'm getting closer to everyone; Warren is definitely the dad of the group since he's older. Everyone has their part in a family if you really look into it.

Today we have a shift in the afternoon but I've somehow convinced Andy and Vic to do a workout with me this morning. It's quite a simple one, we're running 10 miles and then we're going to do some ab workouts before some arm exercises. I've been changing up my workouts so this will be a lot of fun.

"Right, are we ready to start running?" I ask the girls while checking my apple watch. They nod and we slowly set off. We're going quite slowly but hopefully we start to speed up.


It's been about 20 minutes and we're still running. "How long do we have left now?" Vic asks. "Vic, I told you literally 20 seconds ago that we've still got 7 miles" I reply, an instant groan is shared between the girls.

"Can we have a break" Andy asks as we slow to a stop. Once we've completely stopped Andy kneels on the floor pouring water over her face. Vic walks to a nearby tree and sits against it. I just start stretching, they're so overdramatic.

"We're here for 5 minutes before we start again" I say earning an eye roll from Andy.

"How can you just start again?" Andy asks me after a few seconds of heavy breathing.

"It's easy, I wouldn't have stopped. Normally I'd run about 15 miles as a part of my workout but I've taken a few off for both of you. Running is my thing" I say confidently before gulping down some water.

"You're going to be the death of me Bishop" Andy says, I see Vic nod in agreement from the corner of my eye.


The girls didn't do too bad this morning, they were just slow and so whiney. My usual workout would only take an hour but it took 4 instead, leaving us to go straight to the station to shower. I have so much energy right now, quickly showering I make my way to the beanery to make a salad with eggs. The beanery is already filled with loud discussions from the guys talking about a football match from last night.

"I can't believe we let you show us your workout" Vic says loudly as she slumps next to Jack.

"What workout?" Warren asks with a smile on his face. Warren wasn't my favourite a few weeks ago, but he's definitely growing on me.

"Andy and Vic asked to workout with me. Apparently they struggled a bit" Both girls scoff at my answer.

"Struggle, really bishop? Of course, we struggled. Who runs 10 miles as a warmup? You're something else I swear" Andy whines.

"Come on guys, it wasn't that bad. You both just wasn't concentrating enough" I reply while concentrating mostly on my food.

"Maya!" my head instantly shoots up, finding multiple eyes looking my way.

"What are you doing here, dad?" I ask as he comes towards me.

"I thought I'd visit my favourite child at her new job. This type of job will help you lose the weight you've put on since we trained" He says while patting my back harshly. I know I'm going to feel a bruise later.

"Look dad, I'm at work. If you wait until my shift is over I can give you a tour" I say trying to bargain with him so he can leave.

"You're obviously not working since you're making food; you know eggs will fatten you up." He says causing me to stop frying my eggs and go to throw them away.

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