4 - I Watch The Moon

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"Doesn't look like anything I've seen before."

Pariah examines the device Lady Ghost put on Clank. Her Ghost, if you forgot. It was of no origin she knew.

"Maybe next time she can gives us more time to pack." Dex speaks for the first time since they left, looking out a window of Pariah's ship.

Pariah stands nearby, sitting on a storage crate.

"I hope there isn't a next time. I don't trust her."

"She's the one that's been speaking to me, all this time."

"Me too. She's been using us all this time."

They just stare at eachother, then at the floor, because it became awkward.

"I'm gonna....pilot this ship." Pariah says, walking out of the cargo hold.

Dex sits down, looking over at Failsafe staring at him from across the room.

She squints her one eye.

"Why don't you just act....normal." She says. It wasn't a question.

"Define normal..?"

Failsafe just stares at him.


Dex chuckles and lays back, attempting to get some rest before they get to Nessus, whenever that was.

Pariah waltzes into her cockpit and shuts the door behind her, practically flopping into her chair.

She takes a deep breath, and pulls her gloves off.

"What a day...." She says to herself.

She reaches to the side of her ship controls to play some music, but the console didn't work. It was fried.

"What the hell?"

She then remembers that Dex had a music device called a Walkman.

She steps into the cargo hold. He was asleep.

Pariah kicks him in the shin, causing him to jerk awake.

He glared at her.


"Can i use your Walk thing...?"

"It's called a Walkman. Why?"

"My music console is fried."

Dex looks at his greatest valuable, but eventually hands it to her.

"Be careful with it."

She nods, bringing it to the cockpit and plugging the device into her console.

There were hundreds of songs to choose from. Most of their titles didn't make sense to her.

One caught her eye though, a song named Duvet.

She clicks it.

This song seemed to fit the mood well. She liked it.

Dex hears the song from the cargo hold. He liked it too.

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