~Reader x Seishu Inui Part 1~

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You are a mute person because you grew up not being able to speak. You turned how to read and write and understand people when they speak. You knew the whole language from everyone always talking around you. Since your mute, you always studied words. Your hearing was always sharp. You always liked the quote 'When one sense is gone, all your senses are stronger'. You liked it because it showed power in a calm way. The quote is about wisdom. 

You were sitting in a cafe enjoying a slice of warm vanilla cake with hot coco. You were on your phone only reading a book online because you liked to be on your phone while you ate always. Eventually you finished your slice of cake and then took your last sip of your coco. The cafe always makes such amazing foods. They are always spongy or moist. 

You cleaned your mouth with a napkin and then threw away your trash. You shut your phone off and put it in your pocket. You left the cafe with a smile. You sighed from the fresh air and light winds. Walking down the sidewalk and watching as all the cars drive by. Eventually all the traffic stopped the further you got. The streets turned quiet with less activity in this part. 

After a while you heard multiple screams or shouting. You went to check it out because you were curious. You hid someplace and stayed behind something making sure not to be seen as you got close. But still in the distance of whatever is happening. You saw a couple of men with many weapons such as guns, knives, and metal poles attacking two guys. The two guys were Hajime and Seishu. You watched as Hajime fell to the ground from a whack. 

The fight was targeted at Seishu now only because Hajime was down. A man wouldn't let him get up again. The many others were ganging up on Seishu. Hajime was punching from the bottom and hitting the face of the guy. Seishu was pushed against a wall and a blade got pointed at his face. The gun got pointed at his face as well. 

You kept watching but decided to get involved. You still didn't want to confront the situation though. You managed to find a wooden plank and grabbed it. You threw the wooden plank hard and then you ducked. You hid making sure no one would see you or see where the wood came from. It whacked hard against the blade. The man lost grip of it and then lost his weapon. The blade got whacked with the wooden plank and flew far.  Seishu pulled out a katana and stabbed it through the man. Then he kicked the other mans hands so the gun went up in the air to.

You poked your head up again and stared. Once Seishu took control again the men were shocked. Hajime got up to. All the men ended up running away after a few more seconds. Now things were calm down. You slipped away without being seen and you left. Hajime took a quick glance and noticed you turn and disappear. 

He noticed how your hair flicked and waved a bit with your quiet movement. You walked away and then Hajime looked back at Seishu. All he saw was the back of your head and nothing else.


You just came out of the store with a few items. You went shopping after you slightly helped those two guys fight. Bags were in your grip as you made your way home again. Minutes pass by and the sunset looks so nice. It was starting to turn dark and you knew the stars would come out soon. You were late honestly. You were never out this late. 

You had to cook probably a while ago and you haven't had dinner yet. After a few more minutes you were almost on your street but you were still crossing a highway intersection. Some thugs noticed you as a young woman all alone. Pretty much useless. So they approched you. The thugs first walked beside you and said hello to see if you would make a conversation. You slightly looked at them showing you knew they were there but you ignored them. 

The thugs grabbed your bags and tried to rip them out of your arms. You instantly yanked the bags back to you and you fought a little. It was like tug of war. They were trying to rob you. The thugs put their hands on you and kept trying to take the things you had on you. You knew you couldn't scream. You slightly dragged the one yanking on you and then almost stumbled to the ground. You kept those bags with you because you didn't want to lose all your things. But you couldn't scream.

The thugs who were robbing you got more aggressive. They started to try and bring you inside their car. Your struggle was making them struggle. You saw yourself getting closer to that open car door and you really didn't want to be dragged in the car. It was like they were trying to kidnap you now for no reason.  You eventually let go of all the bags.  You gave up and then backed away. You backed away and then the thugs tried to take more. They put their hands in your clothes and tried to see if you had more money or more items. You tensed up. 

Until, your boyfriend pulled you away from them. Seishu. You were dating him for a while now, you only met through a bus a long time ago and then hung out more. Hajime soon got infront of you as well. These two were the ultimate duo that never were apart. So when you had Seishu as a boyfriend, Hajime was basically your second. 

"What are you doing to this lady so late? Hm?" Seishu said with a very deep and cold voice. Almost like he was growling while raising his gentle and quiet demeanour. 

"I knew it was you that I saw earlier... How many times do we have to tell you not to get involved with us and our stuff?.." Hajime spoke to you while holding your cheeks.

You used sign language to speak. You started to move your hands and sign. You said 'I wasn't involved in anything..'. Hajime sighed. He knew that wood plank came from you. When the glimpse of your hair was in and out of his sight, it had him thinking. He realized where the plank came from and what had happened. Someone clearly stayed hidden on the sidelines and protected Seishu in the moment. 

Hajime and Seishu always kept you close with them but far enough away from any gang stuff. They never let you get into that type of danger. But you even throwing the plank earlier made Hajime so mad even if he was grateful. At this point he turned around and all the thugs were on the floor and knocked out. Seishu was breathing heavily in anger. His rage managed to destroy all these guys. 

"I'm so glad your safe babe. I was coming home for your amazing cooking and then saw what was happening." Seishu said.

You used sign language and said 'I was heading home to'.

Hajime held your hand in a friendly way. Honestly he never asked you out and you two have never discussed a relationship. So he had no right to say he was dating you and Hajime couldn't go into that direction yet. Seishu put his arm around your waist. Hajime quickly picked up all the dropped bags and then held them for you. 

You three went home all together. 


To be Continued...

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