2. Prove it

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The majority of the plane ride went smoothly, a

little turbulence here and there but not enough to

cause any significant issues.

I ended up sleeping for about four out of the eighteen hours I was on
the plane.
The boy next to me though? he slept
for ten. Honestly I was quite envious he was able
to sleep for so long, I have trouble falling asleep
on planes in the first place.

The ride actually went by pretty quickly.
I spent the majority of  the time listening to music
reading , studying, and watching the
occasional show i downloaded to my phone.

"Lady's and Gentleman, the plane will be landing
in about 10 Minutes. Please keep your seat belts
fastened, and all your personal belongings
stowed underneath your seat. Thank you."
I took a deep breath and looked over Jungwon's

shoulder out the window and saw beautiful
skyscrapers and city scape. I was so excited and
so nervous at the same time, but I think the
excitement outweighed the anxiety.
As the plane landed, I gathered all my things and
put them in my back pack before slinging it over
my arm. As I got off the plane I noticed Jungwon

was behind me with his head down, and a hat
covering his face. That's odd, I wonder why he
changed. He swiftly walked by me quickly saying
a goodbye and see you at school, before walking
away before I could even reply. Definitely weird
but maybe he was in a hurry, which reminded
me I have to be checked into my dorms before
2pm and it was already 1:15pm. I quickly rushed

and got to the nearest Taxi, giving him the
address of where i was headed. "Ahh Yonsei?

Congratulations, that's a hard place to get into,
your parents must be very proud yes?" the driver
smiled at me through the review mirror. I
nodded, my mom is especially
but she's always been that way, from the time
I was little in my first ballet class she cheered me
on. "Yes my parents are very happy for me, I'm so
lucky I even got the opportunity, if it weren't for
the scholarship It probably wouldn't have

happened." I say gazing out the window at the

beautiful scenery. "A scholarship?? Well then
that's even more impressive! I bet you'll do
Wonderfully" The man said cheerfully as we
pulled up the tall building. "Thank you sir." I say
hopping out of the vehicle. I grabbed my Bags,
and carried them up the paved walkway, It was a
pretty long walk but I had wheels on all my bags
luckily. I was so captured by my surrounds I

didn't even notice that one of my bags fell on the
ground behind me while i was walking.
"Ah excuse me miss! you dropped
your bag" I turned around to see bright smiling
face holding my favorite piece of luggage.
"Oh i'm sorry! I didn't even see that I dropped it

thank you so much for picking it up" I reply with
thanks knowing I never would have realized.
"No worries," he says with a thick Australian
accent "My name is Jake, are you new?" he asked
still smiling at me. "Ah yes this is my first year, I
just got off the plane an hour ago!" I say placing
some of my heavy luggage down on the ground.
"That's awesome! i'm a second year, so I'm pretty
familiar with everything, if you need any help, I
can show you around?" I smiled at him, thinking
about how nice everyone has been so far. "That
would be awesome, do you know where uhh
Dorms C1 - E15 are by chance?" I ask reading
my entrance paper. "Yeah! my mate Jungwon is
in the D section dorms" he says smiling.
"Wait you know Jungwon?" I mean I know it's
not that big of a school but still a crazy
coincidence. "Yeah, do you??" he asks just as
surprised as i was."I met him on the plane," I
explain "He sat next tome and we got to know each
other a little!"

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