1. Flights Await

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"Eunhye! honey it's almost time to leave, if you stall

any longer we're going to miss your flight" mom

half shouted up the stairs as i rolled over in bed

dreading today. I wish i was less nervous, i've

never been one for flying, let alone an eighteen

hour flight with no stops in between. *beep beep

beep* my alarm went off for the third time, i sat

up in bed and tapped the button on my phone to

stop the annoying sound.

Mentally I decided I was going to have a good

day, I already packed and laid everything out two

days ahead of time just to make sure I didn't

forget anything. I was slightly paranoid I would

forget something like my phone charger,

shampoo, or something I easily could buy at a

store once I arrived, but who wants all that

hassle. Looking over to my closet, I see the comfy

outfit I picked out and set on my dresser last

night. A soft pair of sweatpants and cut off crop

top sweater with my heart necklace and white chunky

sneakers that felt like you were walking on a cloud.

*Ding* I looked down to see my best friend Nea texting me

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*Ding* I looked down to see my best
friend Nea texting me.


Nea: "Y/N Y/N Y/N!!!!"

Eunhye: Girl, it's 7:00 am.

Nea: And? 😒 It's your big day!! whose excited to get into a plane crash?!



I sighed and giggled slightly at the text, she had a

weird sense of humor, but that's why she's my

best friend. I decided I should probably get

dressed and head down stairs before my mom

yelled at me again. Quickly I got dressed and

rushed down stairs to see my mom had made me

a beautiful breakfast filled with all of my favorite

fruits. My eyes welled up with tears as I knew this

would be my last breakfast with my mom for over

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