27. Wanna Be Yours

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(A/N : There is a lot of ship content this chapter because it's thunder storming and this is how I cope- )

Jake Pov:

I sighed writing the final answer in the blank spot of my test and handed in my paper. I hope I did okay, I feel like I guessed most of the answers, as soon as I was handed it my mind just went blank.

"Alright everyone these will be graded and handed back to you next Tuesday" Mr Choi said as he collected all of our tests. 

I sighed looking back to Nari who gave me a small smile and a thumbs up. I'm
so lucky I have her..I don't know how I lived without her before.

I felt a little better after seeing her smile, it put me at ease. As soon as class finished up me and Nari walked back towards the cafeteria for lunch.

Her hand rested on my back as we walked next to each other, I glanced down at her every once and awhile noticing how when she was intently watching something or someone she would subconsciously bite her lip.

God the things she does to me

While we were walking along we saw Heeseung talking with Jay in front of the english classroom.

"Hey man," I nod at them.


"Hi Hee!! Where's your pookie?" Nari asks raising her eyebrows at him.

"Ahhg she's not my pookie." He rolled his eyes but still smiling.

"She's kinda your pookie." Jay chimes in smirking.

"She is not!"

"Okay fine.. how is CHA EUNJOO!?" She says obnoxiously loud making heeseung wave his arms panicked


Nari was just giggling with Jay while heeseung rolled his eyes crossing his arms.

"Oh hey dude!"

I turned my head a little to see Sunghoon walking up to us.

"Where were you?" Jay asks. "You missed the English final."

"Oh uh I wasn't feeling great this morning so I skipped." He shrugged.

Jay pat him on the back and told him he was glad he was feeling better.

"So.... about Eunjoo-"

"Nari!" Heeseung face palmed.

I was laughing at the two of them bickering back and forth like siblings I noticed Sunghoon smiling at Nari.

Something inside of my shifted. I know Sunghoon means no harm, but ever since finding out about their kiss.. I don't know somethings changed.

I wrapped my arm around her waist making him look back down at the floor.

"So are you guys doing anything after school?" I ask the guys to which they all shrugged.

"I thought maybe we could stop by Nikis and check in on them" I smile.

"Aw that's a good idea, gotta see how Eunhye is holding up" Nari pouts.

"I- I more so meant Niki.."

"Oh- well yeah him too I guess" She smiles.

I smiled and shook my head.

We all agreed it would be a good idea to cheer him up, so we scheduled a time to meet up and car pool.

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