8. Brewing Storms

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Eunhye Pov:

I quickly excused myself from the room, and ducked into the bathroom.

Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend? Let alone Jake. I mean, I understand, because he is an idol, but I could've helped her hide it more.

Although I respect her privacy and maybe me not knowing was for the better.


Me and Jungwon would never work. Not that I want it too, we're just friends. But especially now, with all of this happening.

I could never put him in this kind of situation. I'm too scared of him getting hurt.

He likes Sooha anyways, I can tell.

He gets so happy when he sees her, and she's a lot prettier than me. I bet she's a model, that's probably how they met in this industry.

I fidget with my phone trying to find Naris contact. I should have her number on speed dial at this point.

*ring ring*

"H-Hello?" She stuttered into the phone.

"Nari, are you okay? Where are you? I know about you and Jake, I'm so sorry all of this is happening.."

"What?" I heard her gasp through the phone,

"How do you know? Wait. Why are you sorry? what's going on?" She said now sounding concerned

"What's wrong?" I hear Jakes muffled voice in the background

"Wait is Jake with you now?? You guys need to check twitter." I say forwarding her the article.

"Why, what's happening?" She says as I see she's opened the article I sent her.


"Nari are you okay?, I'm so sorry."

"I, I just need a minute.. Can i come to your dorm?" She asks sounding a little emotional.

"Of course, I'm gonna head there now." I say grabbing my keys and my bag.

"Okay, let me get dressed and i'll meet you there"


"Wait why are you getting dres-"

"Okay bye!" She quickly hung up the phone.

I shook my head and opened the bathroom door to find Niki standing right outside of it.

"Gosh you scared me." I say trying to push past him.

He grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall.

"Your little friend is going to ruin our reputation." He says staring down at me.

I tried to push away from him but his grip only tightened

"Jake is just as responsible, Not just her! Besides it's the fans that are an issue, they should be allowed to be happy." I say looking away from him.

"Sad she beat you to it?" He said with a smirk


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