29. Live Streams

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Heeseung Pov:

To be completely honest I had absolutely no idea what we were doing. It was getting really late now and I was supposed to be at nikis house tomorrow morning for a surprise he's doing for eunhye.

"So.. what are we going exactly?" I ask putting my phone in my pocket.

"We're taking this idiot down once and for all" He says adjusting his mirrors before speeding into a U turn making me hold onto my seat anxiously.

"We're not doing anything illegal right? I know you're upset but I don't think our mugshots will be a good selling point for our group" I say making Sunghoon chuckle.

"No, not illegal, just, very funny and well deserved."

I sigh and nod. I cant say she doesn't deserve it, she definitely does. She tried to ruin our careers and lives a thousand times over now, not to mention successfully kidnapping Jakes girlfriend.

"So where are we going?" I ask yawning.

"Hybes old warehouse building." He says while turning behind a couple old buildings.


"We're setting up a fake audition for her." He rolls his eyes.

"Wait audition? i'm confused, she auditioned for hybe??" I ask looking at him.

"No, well yes, okay so basically, Eunhye got an email asking her to give a formal audition for our company." He sighs

"That's awesome!" I smile, I would love working with Eunhye in the same building, she's really nice and we're all friends.

"It would've been," He reached up and grabbed a letter from his overhead mirror handing it to me.
"She tried to sabotage her."

I took the letter and read it over not believing what I was looking at. I don't understand how she even knew Eun got an email? Did she hack it? Does Eunhye even know she's been hacked?

"This is crazy... what are we gonna do?" I ask throwing the paper into the glove compartment.

"We're setting to her up. I texted some of my old skater friends and they're gonna come in pretending to be other trainees and I called my coach to be one of the managers." He smirks at me making me smile.

"You're a genius Park," I sigh "So I take it we're going to set up? make it look legit?"

"Exactly. If all goes well, we're going to post this on twitter under a fake handle so people can get rid of her once and for all.

I nodded and we pulled into our old parking garage. We hopped out and Sunghoon popped his trunk pulling out some fake cameras and lighting equipment.

"How did you get all of this stuff so fast?" I ask looking at all of the equipment.

"I have connections, some of it was in my closet from when I did modeling." He shrugged nonchalantly as I just smiled and shook my head.

He threw me the keys and I walked up to building and unlocked it, it was smaller then our current building and looked a little rough, but nothing a little tlc couldn't fix.

"I'm gonna sweep a bit cus it's offaly dusty in here" I say coughing.

"Okay, I'll bring in the lights."

I swept around the room trying my best not to breathe in any of the dust so I wouldn't die. I looked over at sunghoon setting up a white backdrop behind the cameras, he made it look legit, he was a genius.

"Okay this looks really good dude." I say looking back at it all, "definitely looks official"

He smiled and nodded. "This is gonna be great, are you busy tomorrow?"

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