23. Each others arms

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Sunoo Pov:

My heart dropped as I heard the words fall out of Heeseungs mouth.


"Eunhye is the one who texted me, hold on let me call her." He sighs walking away.

"I'm surprised Eunhye is the one who called, She must have seen him in the distance or something." Nari says.

I looked down, I know she must be worried sick right now, I would call her but I don't think she wants to hear from me right now.

I so badly wanted to though, even if she'll never be that for me, I want her to feel safe with me... I sigh, we'll that's out the window.

I walked inside for a moment to find Jake sitting on the floor next to the couch with he his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask sitting down next to him.

He shook his a head little looking up with a tear streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry Jake, all of this is my fault." I sigh.

"Not this part sun, this is my fault.." He sighs

"How is Nari kissing sunghoon your fault?" I ask.

He wiped his eye taking a deep breath.

"I clearly wasn't paying enough attention to her... I didn't even know where she was I assumed she was with het friends, I didn't keep her safe." He started crying again, "What if something worse would have happened to her and I wasn't there to stop it from happening.. I should be grateful it was Hoon to kiss her and not someone else." He sighed.

I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"You're an amazing boyfriend Jake, you made one mistake 2 months into the relationship.. You can't beat yourself for that." I say touching his shoulder.

"I know but, It's the fact that I never even knew it happened."

"Neither did she Jake? You cant blame yourself for not remembering, she doesn't even remember." I say.

He nodded and sighed, "You're right, thankyou sun." He smiled at me.

I pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly.

He's such a good guy, he's so hard on himself, I wish he could see what we all see.

"I need to go talk to her." He said sighing standing up.

"Guys we gotta go," Heeseung said hurriedly walking into the room.

"Why what's happening?" Jake asked.

"Nikis in the hospital, he's going into surgery and Eunhye isn't dont well we need to go visit." He said sighing.

"What happened?" Jake said now worried.

I realized now that he was in here when Heeseung made the announcement so he wouldn't have known.

"I guess Eunhye and Niki got into a fight or something, and he went to chase after her and he got hit by a car." Heeseung said sighing.


"I know, that's why we're heading over now." Heeseung said leaving the room.

Jake Pov:

God please let him be okay.

He's like my little brother, I can't lose him.

I walk outside and see Nari sitting down outside on the porch.

"Baby..." I say walking over, making her look up at me.

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