19.5 (Jari or wtv)

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Jake Pov:

I quickly sent her down on the bed and closed the door sighing.

"Dude..." I say leaning against it.

"What.. did my eyes just witness." I laughed a little in shock.

Nari huffed. "He cannot seriously like her- HOW CAN HE TOLERATE THAT!?" She whispered a little too loudly, crossing her arms

"Shh! they're gonna hear us" I sighed walking over and sitting down on the bed.

"I don't care if they do!! Leah is so weird! And Plus i'm pretty sure like a week ago she had a crush on you."

"Who wouldn't?" I winked at her making her roll her eyes

I Myself also had no idea what was going on down there and was a little confused.

I mean, I know they went on a date but last time I checked, I didn't go that well.

"Maybe she just doesn't like you?" I say thinking out loud, Nari giving me a glare

"That's the least of my concerns. Trust me." she said rolling her eyes. "She now knows that we're together now, who says we can trust her?"

I sigh, "We'll considering the fact that she's showing interest in Jay who is also an idol maybe she'll understand?"

I walked over next to my baby girl, and sat down, pulling her into a hug.

"I understand why you're nervous baby a lot has already happened with us." I say rocking her back  and forth trying to soothe some of the anger she had built up, I could feel it.

"she's a creepy weirdo" she huffed into my neck turning around snuggling me tightly as I kissed her forehead

"Mhm"I say running small motions into her back making her loosen up a little.

"I need to calm down..." She sighs into my shoulder as I feel her muscles start to relax.
"I know baby," I say laying down pulling her on top of my lap making her smile as she rested her hands on top of my chest.

my hands rested on top of her thighs while she just laid down on top of me.

I stroked her back while she rested her head on my chest looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. she made me feel so many things, too many things. I could tell she was tired as her eyes fluttered closed everyone once in a while

I never wanted to stop kissing her, or being around her. and other things but yk..

Having her in my arms completed me in a way I never knew i needed before. I noticed her eyes opened back up as she looked out the window.

"Can I kiss you darling?" I say brushing some hair off of her face, admiring the way she looked up at me.

She blushed, but nodded sitting up as I pulled her closer to me.
"You didn't have to ask Jake.."

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?"

I say gently placing a soft kiss on her lips. She smelt like vanilla and coffee, and was so soft.

She giggled and pulled away a little before kissing my nose, making me smile. I smiled kissing her nose back before she started attacking my face with little pecks.

I smiled and held her hands while she continued,
her hands were so small in mine yet they fit i between my fingers perfectly.

"I think you deserve some more kisses since you're being so sweet to me babygirl" I say making her squirm in my lap.

"I'm always nice..."

"No, no baby you aren't but that's why I love you"

I got back to kissing her while she played with the strings of my sweatpants.

I looked down noticing my sweatshirt had ridden up a little bit showing the rim of my calvin klein boxers.

She started kissing my cheek, and then my jaw moving downwards making me giggle. She was so precious, I loved the way she took her time with every little thing she did.

She looked back up at me with a pout

"What's the matter baby doll?"

She shrugged looking away.

"Tell me what you want, you gotta use your words" I say caressing her cheek.

She looked away, "I want more kisses" she said barely above a whisper.

I chuckled, "Where would you like them?" I say grabbing her jaw gently to make her look at me.


I smiled. "I thought my baby didn't like those kind of kisses?"

"N-no, I do, but just not all the time" She said fidgeting with her fingers "But i'd like them now"

I smiled "If you insist love." I say as I started giving her small kisses.


"Hm?" I looked up at her.

"I want to give you kisses first" She said shyly

"Okay baby," I said leaning back giving her free range.

She giggled before kissing my jawline again while I rubbed thighs

I felt her place a few kisses on my neck but as she started sitting back up, my eyes widened as I felt her lips graze my ear.

I grabbed her wrist and flipped her over so that I now looking down at her making her look up at me with big eyes

"Baby, you know what that does to me."


She blushed and looked away to the side giving me the perfect opportunity to attack her neck.


"Hush." I said resting my handat the base of her neck gently applying pressure making her gasp a little. "thankyou baby" I say as she shut her pretty little mouth.

I kiss her for a little while longer playing with her hair as i did,before observing her neck smiling at my art, I should've majored in this.

I leaned back and looked down at her face to see her bright red. I giggled looking her. god she was perfect, every last detail of her. I pulled her back up gently rubbing circles into her thighs lovingly.

"You're so beautiful babygirl" I say kissing her cheek and pulling a blanket over us so she could take a nap, I could tell this was wearing her out.

"You're too much" she giggled wrapping her arms around me, resting into the crook of my neck once again.

I rocked her back and forth thinking about how much an elopement would be. Couldn't be that expensive could it?

I started giggling making her look up at me with a confused face.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing baby, just thinking about how much I love you."


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