35. Tired Of You

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Jake POV:

I sighed and sat back down.

"What's going on?" Leah asked settling herself next to Jay. "Did you get him the wrong one for Christmas?"

I shook my head.

"It's not for Christmas, Jake thinks that there's a possibility Nari isn't being the most faithful person." Jay says

"What like, cheating?" She asks looking at Jay and then to me.

I nodded, I didn't want to believe it yet though, how could she do that to me? It doesn't make any sense. I just gave her a promise ring a while back, and she met my parents, I thought we were doing so well.

"There has to be an explanation for this" Niki says shaking his head, "It seems so out of the blue."

"What are you going to do?" Heeseung asks

I shake my head, "I really don't know."

Looking over at Eunhye she looks so zoned out, like she's in disbelief.

"Are you alright Eun?" I ask making her snap out of it.

"Oh, Yes, well no, I don't understand I guess" She sighs still looking off into the distance. "I'm her bestfriend, or at least thought I was? I don't know why she wouldn't have told me if something was up."

I nodded, "I'm just as lost as all of you."

"I could kidnap her again." Leah says while eating a christmas cookie.

We all just stare at her without saying anything.

"Whattt I was mostly joking." She rolled her eyes.

I sighed, I just don't know what to do.

"Maybe I could try and talk to her" Eunhye says, "If she is with Han, I think I know where to find her."

"How?" I ask shifting my attention back to Eunhye.

"Well, I've been friends with Stray kids for awhile now and i'm fairly close with Chan, so I can text him and causally ask about Han's whereabouts." She says pulling out her phone.

"That would be amazing, Thank you" I give her a soft smile.

Eunhye POV:

I nodded taking out my phone scrolling down to the last conversation I had with Chan a few days ago.

me: Hey Chan! I have a quick question for you

BC: Sure what's up?

me: I was gonna text Han about a dance choreo i'm working on, but I didn't know if he was at schedules or not and I didn't want to interrupt. Is he busy right now?

BC: Ah, no he doesn't have any schedules today but I know he left a while ago to go shopping with some of his guy friends.

"He said he's going shopping with his guy friends" I sigh.

Jake's eyebrows furrow while looking down, this isn't fair to him.

"Ask where" Heeseung chimes in.

me: Ah fun! well with christmas coming up i bet he's christmas shopping! where did they go?

BC: I think he said the mall! I'm still puzzled on what to get the kids, Oh! also I need ideas for my mate Jake and I know you guys are close.

me: If I think some something i'll let you know!

"He said the Mall." I show my phone to Jake.

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