32. swim

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(a/n: listen to swim while reading this)

Niki POV:

We pulled into the parking lot and I grabbed our bags, opening the door for Eunhye.

She looked so cute in her outfit, the little shorts paired with her leotard suited her well.

"I'm excited" she said happily skipping towards the building making me smile. I was too, I'm excited to dance with her again for the first time in a while.

"I haven't been in here in so long" I say turning the lights on. I set up the speaker by the mirror and connected it to my bluetooth.

"It's a big room, is this the one you use to practice?" Eunhye asked walking around looking at all the details of the room.

I nodded, "Yeah this is the room we learn our choreography in most of the time."

"That's so fun!" She smiled running over to me and kneeling in front of me.

I kissed her forehead and switched on the leds that ran around the perimeter of the ceiling.

I heard her oo and aww at the lights making me smile, she's so easily excitable.

"Can you go dim the lights for me? it's that little nob on the door." I say while shuffling through my playlist looking for the right song.

"Okay!" I heard her shuffle over to the door trying to get my bluetooth connect


"..Baby that's off." I smile to myself in the now pitch black room.


I chuckled and waited for the lights to reappear, they quickly came back on at a lower brightness then before.

The main light source now was the white leds along the ceiling, definitely gave off the vibe I was going for. 

I finally found the right song and connected it to the speaker.

"Alright come here" I say motioning for eunhye to come stand next to me.

I hit play on the song and turned her to face me.

"I know this song!" She smiled up at me.

"Mhm" I spin her around so her back was pressed against my abdomen. I figured she would like this song, i've heard her listen to chase before.

I brushed some of her hair behind her ear before continuing the dance.

she followed along so well, considering we were making this up along as we went.

I spun her around before lifting her around my waist making her smile.

she let go of my neck and bent backwards flipping down to where she was kneeling in-front of me with her hands on my hips firmly making me chuckle a little.

She's so impressive.

I wrapped my hand around her neck gently motioning for her to rise to her feet making her red, which made me smile.

"Getting blushy are we?" I teased her while she rolled her eyes.

"No, not at all" she said nonchalantly flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes while watching her do her own little moves to the beat, swaying her hips back and forth.

she's so cute.

I was trying to think of what to add while watching her, I grabbed her shoulder at one of the beat drops and pressed her against me pushing her over.


"Just go with it." I say while getting on my knees sliding between her legs on my back pulling her on top of me making her giggle.

"When you push me over i'm gonna out my hands on knees like this, so like duh duh beat drop" She says adjusting her shorts

I nod and watch her carefully thinking of what to add

"On the beat drop here in the middle i'm gonna pull you down onto my lap but it's gotta look almost like you're falling onto me okay?"

"Okay so like, "you lucked out" boom boom drop" she asked demonstrating in the mirror.

I nodded and we rewinded the music.

"the waters getting cold, and let me in your ocean theres two beats in between" I say resting my hands on her thighs.

She hummed the lyrics to herself while pondering what to do, while listening to the music over again she moved up and down a little where the beats were.

"What if I bounce you a little?" I ask while she was humming.


I put my hands on her hips. "Like, "the waters getting colder" bump bump "let me in your ocean" I explain.

"That's a little suggestive isn't it?" she giggled.

"Are we performing this somewhere?" I ask sarcastically making her roll her eyes.

"No, I guess not." She smiles, "Okay let's try it from the beginning up until this point." She says getting up off of me.

We continued from the beginning and it was way more smooth and thought out this time.

watching her dance was so enjoyable.

she moved really well with rhythm and it showed through her tight movements.

I smiled noticing how she'd lip sing along to the song while concentrating on her movements.

"da da boom" I whispered to the beat as she landed onto me with such controlled force.

bump bump

I moved my hips to the beat as it bounced her up off of me.

I smiled at the way her face turned red and wouldn't look at me.

"If we ever did perform this, you'd have to look a little more confident then that" I teased her making her roll her eyes

"I am!"

Eunhye POV:

Fine. If he wanted confidence, that's what he'll get.

"Let's start from the beginning" I say getting up and rewinding the music.

He nodded nonchalantly getting bank into position.

The song started and instead of being pressed against his back I turned around and jumped wrapping my legs around his waist catching him off guard.

I smiled at him before he swung me around and I jumped down continuing our movements.

Once we got to the point where he was supposed to push me over i grabbed his hips from behind as he did so.

I heard him cough and I smiled to myself as he made his way to the floor.

bum bum drop.

I landed on him with more force then the time before looking him right in the eye.

"the waters getting colder~"

bum bum

As he lifted his hips up to the beat I threw my head back with my hands on his chest.

I could feel him tense up underneath me and smiled to myself internally.

"This isn't fair." He huffed looking away clearly flustered.

"I thought I needed confidence." I rolled my eyes

I lifted my self off of him and he quickly sat up flipping me over so I was now underneath him.


He put his hand over my mouth.

"It's my turn to be confident." He said smiling down at me


(a/n teehee)

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