18. Stolen

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Leah Pov;

"I'm so sorry"

My words rang through my head as I ran away from the boy who was once holding my hands.

I found a small park with a bench and sat down sobbing into my hands, trying to come to my senses.

I opened my bag and held my camera in my hands for a few minutes before throwing it onto the pavement watching it shatter into a million pieces.

What have I done...

I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my dress smearing them with black mascara.

I looked down as my phone lit up with a notification.


Binnie: Did you get the pictures??


I looked at the message filled with so much anger. My finger hovered over the block button on her number for a few minutes before I hesitated.


Binnie: Did you get the pictures??

Me: No sorry, He didn't show.

Binnie: That Jerk.

Me: Yeah.

I Sighed and put my phone on Do no Disturb.

I cant believe I went along with this for way too long, Sooha isn't even my friend anymore unless she needs something and Binya is just mean.

I sighed feeling more tears stream down my face.

As I got up to walk home I saw Sooha and Jungwon walking along the path up towards me.

Crap. I tried to turn around but was stopped abruptly by Soohas voice.

"Hey Leah!!" I hear coming from behind me.

"Hey soo," I say giving her a slight smile, Looking down noticing Jungwon holding her hand.

Well I hope all of this was worth it for her.

"Baby, would you give us a minute," She said batting her eyes up at him. He nodded and walked back the other direction a little ways.

"Soo~ I heard from bin, you had a date with Jay tonight yeah?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. "I told you this would work out for us both,"

"He didn't show." I say flatly.

"What? Why?" She said looking at me confused.

"I don't know" I shrugged

"Well you certainly don't seem bothered" She huffed

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not bothered, I'm kinda tired of all this stuff soo" I say sighing.

"What stuff? Me getting you a boyfriend? Me helping you get into that photography class?" She said in a demeaning voice.

"No, Im just.. Listen I've been thinking and clearly you got your boyfriend so everything worked out for you," I sigh. "I just don't wanna do this anymore."

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