31. bully

685 15 31

Niki POV:

I went to bed smiling that night, the thought of getting to work side by side with my girl. It's going to be so fun getting to work with her.

"Babyyy are you coming to bed??" I yell from the bed looking towards the bathroom.

"Almost! I'm not done" She shouts back

I roll my eyes and turn over into the pillow yawning, "What are you doing that's taking so long?"

"My skincare baby you know I take this very seriously," I hear her say while she aggressively slaps toner on her cheeks.

She does have good skin, I suppose she puts in hard work to keep it that way. She's definitely one for routine and order, she likes things organized.

She's always been that way, it's cute honestly. I'm kinda messy, I feel bad she has to deal with me

"I'll be out in a few minutes love, i'm gonna hop in the shower for a minute to get some steam and warm water on my muscles, i'm a little sore since I haven't practiced in a while," She said while turning the water on.

I turned my phone on and scrolled through instagram for a while, texting heeseung every now and then. He was trying to beat me at cup pong on iMessage but I always end up winning.


Hee: bro you're literally cheating

Me: And how would one do that?

Hee: I don't know but I know you are, how do you get that many in a row

Me: I look at the cup, and then throw-

Hee: Okay don't be smart you're literally a child.

Me: I'm almost 19!?

Hee: I don't think so, i'm pretty sure you're 14

I rolled my eyes looking at the texts, he teases me the most because he's the oldest, wait till he realizes he'll be the first to get wrinkles.

I put my phone down sighing when I saw the video of the ad lights in the bathroom turn off and the door open.

"I'm cold now" Eunhye said walking out from the bathroom in her pajamas with damp hair from her shower.

"Can I have that blanket?"

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"Can I have that blanket?"

She's so pretty..


I'm so lucky-


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