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- A King's Ransom

Freya and Gyda was currently outside sparring with one another not noticing Bjorn who was stood to the side watching the two girls closely, " plant your feet wide" Freya instructed Gyda who smiled and did what the red headed girl told her to do as...

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Freya and Gyda was currently outside sparring with one another not noticing Bjorn who was stood to the side watching the two girls closely, " plant your feet wide" Freya instructed Gyda who smiled and did what the red headed girl told her to do as the two began to sparring with fighting sticks, " don't step into the strike. Step through it" Freya raised her fighting stick and went to attack the brunette who quickly blocked it causing the two girls to smile at one another, " you're getting better"

" I've got a good teacher" Gyda spoke shrugging her shoulders with a bright smile as the two girls circled one another before they started hitting the sticks together only for them to finish at a draw as both sticks were pressed against one another only for Gyda to lift her leg kicking the stick out of Freya hands. Bjorn laughed loudly in amusement as he watched the two girls when Gyda swung her stick towards Freya who caught it mid attack and flipped Gyda onto her back.

"You need to work on your defence" Freya teased the brunette holding out her hand for Gyda to take as she pulled the brunette back up onto her feet as Bjorn smirked walking over towards the two girls, " Not bad, little sister. It doesn't look so hard, I bet I could take you" Freya raised her brows as she wasn't impressed sending him a look and replied, " Yeah, you said that last time and then I handed your ass to you and accidentally broke your nose"

Bjorn rolled his eyes grabbing his sisters stick from her hand getting into his fighting stance and muttered, " You got lucky. Come on, let's go" Bjorn moved forward to attack Freya who easily dodged his attacks lifting up her leg to kick him only for him to move back quickly avoiding being kicked in the face only for Freya to swipe his feet from under him causing him to fall on his back with a groan of pain, " Okay, you win, you win"

Freya laughed with a shake of her head as she turned around as Gyda brought her into a tight embrace as it didn't matter how many times she trained with Bjorn she would always win as she had more experience than him, " Freya! You're bleeding! Are you okay?" Bjorn exclaimed as he rushed forward taking a hold of her arms. Freya pushed the blonde boy away as she frowned grabbing the back of her dress lifting it up slightly only to mutter under her breath in annoyance at the sight of blood staining her dress as it was her fist monthly bleed, "we need to find my mother! She'll know how tend to your wounds. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I swear it was an accident i...."

"Bjorn, I'm fine. It's nothing you need to worry about" Freya assured shooting him an aggravated look while Gyda laughed loudly at the sight of her brother who was clearly freaking out because of the blood on her friends dress. " you're not fine! You're hurt! We must take you to my mother" Freya rolled her eyes tugging her arm out of his grip, " I can walk on my own. Stay here with your sister"

Bjorn hesitated as he stared at the red headed girl with an concerned expression on his face while Gyda placed her hand over her mouth in attempt to stop snickering at her brothers reaction as he looked really pale and was about to faint at any moment as he watched Freya make her way into the great hall and towards Lagertha bedroom where the said women was laid on her bed with her hands on her swollen stomach.

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