Chapter 5: Bear

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Almost two weeks pass by. The only thing to come of the last few weeks have been Razor annoying the shit out of me, and the worst case of blue balls that I've ever known.

Since seeing her again, I haven't been able to get her out of my head. All I can think of is the softness of her hands, the shape of her curves, the pout of her lips. Spent hours lost in wondering what it would be like to have her pressed against me; lying below me; warmth wrapped around me.

I've dreamt of her, and simultaneously, I've been kept awake by her.

I've never been hung up on a woman before, my focus has always been on the club. A quick lay has been all I've ever needed to clear my head.

But Robin.

God, no matter how many soul suckers I've tried using to get rid of this tension, it  hasn't even dimmed the feeling that's been consuming me. Not even a little. The moment I close my eyes, and I see her face, or those shapely curves it's like I'm back in the pit all over again.

I've considered calling her, since she so boldly gave me her number and offered to take care of me. I doubt my mindless dick is what she had in mind. I don't want her thinking she made a mistake giving me her number, though I'd never care to admit it. I like her attention to me.

Besides, there ain't no way I want her round the club. Not when Razor suddenly seems to think he's up for the 'challenge' of getting into her scrubs. He's been extra mouthy since the retaliation against the Vipers went well.

I've already heard him running his mouth to a few guys around the club about her the last couple weeks, exactly the way he's doing right now...

My knuckles turn white on the stem of the beer bottle in my grasp. The dickhead in question mouthing off to a few brothers again. Just his voice alone raises a surge of flaming rage in my gut.

"I bet I could have her in a second." He's laughing, a smug smile on his lips as the brothers beside him goads him on. "Looks like the prudish type y'know what I mean?"

My irritation is well hidden behind my steeled mask of indifference. I'm not sure what exactly about the way he speaks pisses me off, all I know is I want to fucking knock his lights out.

"If I recall," I grunt, clenching my jaw in annoyance. "She thought you were a dickwad and said as much."

It's nothing but a cuff with words, hoping it'll keep her out of his mouth for long enough to get distracted with his next conquest. Better than decking him in the mouth.

Well... not really, but there's no consequences for smart ass quips.

"Sorry bro, didn't realise you had first dibs." Razor laughs it off, patting me on my shoulder. His heavy hand stinging even through my leather cut. "Let me know when you're done, I've always wanted to play sexy nurses."

His words shouldn't piss me off. We've shared women plenty in the past, but something about his words have that anger in my gut bubbling worse. I hate the thought of him going anywhere near Robin with his dick. Damn, I really want to hit something.

It's not like I want to claim her as mine, but I definitely don't want any of those other shitstains to touch her either. Honestly that probably makes me an ass but I don't really give a fuck.

"How about I knock your teeth out and you can go see a goddamn dentist instead." I deadpan, rising from the barstool with my half empty bottle in clutch.

Razor throws his hands up and takes two steps back, unsure of if I mean to make good on my threat. I step right past him, heading up the stairs and to the room I own at the club.

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