Chapter 15: Bear

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“What do you mean you’re going to go with me everywhere?” Robin scowls. A few days have passed since her arrival at the club, and for the most part I’ve just kept her very busy locked in my room.

She had no complaints initially, but now that she’s adamant that she wants to go out, it seems the nice comfortable blissful bubble has finally popped. Fucking eviscerated. And Birdie, she’s not happy about it one bit.

“Just how the hell am I supposed to explain that?” She huffs, throwing her hands up in the air. Not one to be deterred, she walks around the bed to pull on a pair of jeans. I almost groan at the sight of her pulling them up her thighs, wanting nothing more than to peel them off again.

“Dunno Birdie, but you better think of something ’cause I’m not taking my eyes off you.” I cross my arms over my chest, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. As if proving my point, my eyes roam over her body.

She hasn’t yet found a top, clad in nothing but a pair of jeans and a black lace bra; the sight alone has me pitching a tent under the sheet that covers my lower half. It’s still ridiculously early, but Birdie is adamant that she has to go see her hairdresser today and that she has to go early.

When I asked her why she couldn’t see her later, she just gave me a look and laughed as if I’d said something funny.

“Gee, do you need to watch me take a shit too?” She rolls her eyes, turning around to rummage through the drawer where she packed away some of her clothes. She bends over and I groan.

I’m seriously starting to consider the idea that she’s doing this shit on purpose.

She catches me eyeing her ass when she turns around, shaking her head in disbelief at the bulge between my legs. A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips, completely unashamed at my body’s reaction to her.

I slide across the bed, body aching with desire and eyes full of intention.

“Don’t even think about it.” She holds her hand out, stopping me before I can reach her with an unimpressed look. Her gaze softens, “I’ll be fine on my own. I’ll just call you if anything happens like last time.”

I sigh, resigned to having to deal with blue balls and partly irritated by her complete disregard to her own safety. Calling me isn’t going to stop the Vipers, and if they escalate by trying to grab her or worse… I wouldn’t be able to get to her in time.

Honestly the woman confuses me. She called me, and trusted me to handle the situation. Now that I’m doing what she wanted me to do, she’s throwing a hissy fit?

Fuck me. This is why I stay away from women.

“Not happening.” I grunt. She opens her mouth to argue, but I don’t let her get a word out. “Look, I’m trying to keep you safe.”

Her brows furrow, and all I can think about it is the way her face pinches up when I’m buried inside her. It takes everything in me to focus because I’m not supposed to be thinking about fucking her right now.

She sighs, ignoring her quest to find a top and parking herself in front of me on the bed. Her hand boldly reaches for mine, tracing the ink of the snarling Bear on the back of my hand.

“And I get that, but I don’t see why you have to follow me around like a shadow… Especially at my job?”

“I’m not taking chances Birdie, the Vipers don’t play nice.” My hand moves on its own accord resting under her chin, my thumb stroking her cheek gently. She leans into my touch, watching me with those big brown eyes.

Fuck me.

It’s too soft, too tender. I want to enjoy it, but all it raises from me is an overwhelming sense of dread; the reminder slams into me at full force. I can’t have this woman. She doesn’t belong in this world.

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