Chapter 24: Birdie

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The moment the words leave my mouth, heads turn in our— my — direction.

"They are, aren't they?" My question is more like a statement; and judging by the way Bear has practically turned to stone before me, I know I'm right.

"Fucking hell Bear, there's one rule in this club and it's that business stays behind those closed doors!" The tall tattooed dark skinned man that Bear introduced as the President sends an glacial glare in our direction all but confirming my suspicions. His voice is loud and commanding, quieting the remaining chatter as more of the folks gathered in the bar look over trying to figure out what they missed. "Church now. Boulder can catch up. Bring her too."

"Don't talk to him like that, and don't insult my intelligence." I scoff, unable to help myself. Fuck their little boys club rules, nobody is going to speak to me or mine that way and get away with it.

"Bear control your woman." That ice stare is on me again.

It heats me to my core, but not in the way that Bear lights me up. With Bear it is a hearth— a comforting, warm passion that glows, that feels like home. No, his heat is like magma rising under my skin ready to explode and destroy.

I have never been a confrontational person, not really; but to hear him insinuate that I am nothing better than a dog on a leash infuriates me beyond belief.

Bear puts his arm around my middle, pulling me away from the doors that the rest of members flood into, his hands firm on my shoulders as he looks down at me.

"You need to take a breath Birdie." He says, and even though his tone is warm, I know there is no room for improvement. "You want me to let you into my world, fine, but you need to follow the rules."

"But he said you broke the rules and you didn't! I don't like the way he—"

"I get that you want to defend me baby, but I can fight my own battles." The corners of his lips pull up into a ghost of a smile, and the embers of my annoyance die slowly in my chest.

He's right, of course he is, but it still rubs me the wrong way that I was the one to get him in trouble. Not to mention the response I got.

"You can't speak to Pres like that, especially when you've not been claimed."

Dying embers, yeah right. The flame of annoyance flickers back at almost full force, and I can't stop my face screwing up into a dirty deadpan.

"I am not your dog Bear. I'm not going to let someone—" I'm cut off when Bear's lips fall to mine, silencing any argument.

His lips are punishing, almost bruising against mine, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip. He kisses me so hard, so deep that I feel it all the way to my curling toes. My lungs burn for air, but not as fiercely as all of me burns for Bear.

He pulls away, leaving me panting for air. His forehead falls to mine, and he nips at my lips playfully before pulling back to pin me with a meaningful stare. "I need you to trust me to have your back."

I nod, because I should trust him especially when he's already proved once before that he has my back, and that he wants to protect me. Still, I don't want to have to rely on Bear to fight my battles for me— I want to be respected because people know I can handle my business.

"I didn't mean to get you in trouble, but I think I might've—"

Can't I finish a damn sentence without someone interrupting me?!

"Yo! The two of you better get your butts in here!" Brute pokes his head out of the meeting room, calling across the bar.

Bear takes my hand, leading the way. Harsh whispers follow us courtesy of the soul eaters that linger around the bar; I'm guessing that this isn't exactly a normal situation.

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