Chapter 14: Birdie

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He doesn't waste another second, his mouth devouring mine. He moves desperately at first, as if hungry for nothing but the taste of my mouth, then he slows down. His tongue caresses mine, savouring every moment that our mouths are joined.

Holy hell this man can kiss! A moan slips from my throat, and he responds with his own. He is explorative, his mouth moving over my jaw, my neck, nipping at my flesh. He bites down punishingly hard on my shoulder, sucking the flesh there.

He pulls back, a dangerous look flashing in his eyes. "I'm going to make sure that when I'm done you won't be able to cover up all the marks I leave behind."

He lifts me with ease, my legs wrapping themselves around his waist. The tent in his jeans pressing into my heated, jean covered centre.

The contact is barely there and still my entire body feels alight. There are too many layers between us and my skin burns uncomfortably. I am acutely aware of the pulsing between my thighs desperately calling out— without him buried in me I feel empty. I need him.

He doesn't even make it over to the bed, pressing me against the closest wall. My hands are frantic, reaching for his jeans. I managed to undo the belt, then the button, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift move. His cock springs free, standing excited for me. I moan remembering how he felt the last time, eager to have him again, filling me to the brim.

His hands under my ass flex impatiently on my flesh as I fumble with my own jeans. The fabric is so tight it's like peeling off a layer of skin and I try to shimmy them down far enough for him to reach me.

He pauses for a second, his eyes meeting mine. "Condom?"

The last time we had sex, he had pulled out a bunch of condoms from his pocket. And since he had and I knew I was safe, we hadn't stopped to really talk about protection.

I shake my head, "I'm clean, and on the pill."

"Good," he grunts. "I'm clean too."

I nod, and he takes it as permission. He doesn't wait any longer, pushing the soaked lace of my thong aside and pushing himself in up to the hilt. A soft gasp escapes my lips, met by a soft groan from him.

I am full, my walls so slick and tight around him I can practically feel every vein on his cock imprinting on my insides. It feels do fucking good the breath in my lungs is stolen.

He slides out just a little only to push back into me sharply, his mouth finding the top of my breast in the generous v of my crop top.

He moves, building a steady rhythm; my hands clinging to his shoulders, his hair as he builds to a brutal pace. The sound of him driving into my dripping centre filling the room. Moans rip from my mouth at the erotic sound, loud even against the backdrop of noise outside.

I don't remember ever being this turned on before; then again my sex life hasn't exactly been the most exciting.

"More, please Bear. More." I pant, needing him deeper, closer.

He grunts, his mouth clashing frantically with mine, nails biting into my ass cheeks and I can't deny that it only makes me hotter.

He carries me a few paces to his bed, my back hitting the mattress. He pulls away long enough to pull off my jeans properly as I make quick work of pulling off my top.

He stands over me, connected by his eager dick nudging my insides with every thrust. His rough palms trail down my legs, taking my ankles before pulling them up to his shoulder allowing him to drive even deeper in me.

"Ah baby you feel so fucking good," he groans. "You drive me crazy Birdie. Being inside you is fucking heaven."

A jolt of lightning shoots through my veins at his words. My mind is gloriously blank; all I can think about is that growing ecstasy building in my lower belly as we climb together.

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