Chapter 7: Bear

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Her lips are so fucking close, tempting me. The little restraint that I have snaps, as if this is not the reason I showed up to her house in the first place. Because I can't get enough of her.

My lips collide with hers in a frantic clash of tongue and teeth, my mouth swallowing hers. I'm not a man known for holding back, especially when it comes to what I want. There is a raw savage hunger in me, begging to be satisfied— so I fuck her mouth without abandon, tongue and teeth, sucking and nibbling.

She makes a noise, something halfway between a moan and a mewl. There is no control left in me, my hands on the backs of her thighs slide up into her shorts gripping the flesh of her small ass. My nails press into her flesh, probably leaving crescent moons, but I don't care.

I want to mark her, to leave every reminder I can that she has been touched by me.

She pulls away, gasping for breath. I grunt, a crazed possessiveness taking hold of me. I don't want to stop touching her, if I can't have her mouth I will claim her everywhere else. Like a man possessed, my mouth continues a wanting path down her chin, her neck, her collarbones.

The taste of her skin on my tongue is intoxicating. I want to taste her everywhere.

When I reach her tits, those gorgeous tits, I look up searching for permission in her eyes. Her eyes hazy with want as she watches me, dares me— fuck, she looks so sexy like that.

Her hands thread their way into my hair, guiding my head back to her heaving chest. Her nipples peaked under the soft cotton cami, desperate for my attention. One of my hands leaves her ass, tracing a path up her spine before gripping the back of her neck in a firm hold, anchoring her to me. My mouth sucks her wantonly through her shirt, and I'm rewarded with another of those breathless moans from her parted lips.

My teeth graze her puckered nipple and she lets out another loud moan that has me painfully stiff in my pants. My hands gripping her tighter as I fight for control, otherwise I'll end up coming in my pants like a fucking kid.

She pulls on my hair, forcing me to meet those dark brown eyes. Her mouth finds mine, and she fucks my mouth with hers— languid, messy, so fucking sexy. She tastes sweet, and I can't help wondering if between her legs will taste just as good.

She pulls back, but only so that she can pull her shirt over her head, dropping the material on the floor beside my booted feet.

"Fuck me," I groan at the sight of her, and I can't stop staring, because fuck she's gorgeous. Because I've been thinking about these tits from the moment I first met her three weeks ago. She leans in, pressing her tits closer to my face and I can't help myself.

I need her. I need her closer. I need my hands, my mouth on her.

My teeth bite into her flesh, it'll be yet another mark I leave on her. Yet more evidence for her to remember me by.

I take one of her dark pebbled nipples into my mouth, flicking it with my tongue, teeth grazing her pointed flesh. My free hand plays with the other, not wanting it to be left out. I release her, licking the underside of her tit before swapping to the other side.

"Oh Bear," She gasps. Her hands grip onto my shoulders, nails biting into my flesh— I hope she leaves a mark. More of those sounds leave her mouth as she rubs her thighs together; I bet she's fucking dripping.

My hand on her ass slips between her legs and fuuuuck. She's so wet that her arousal has completely drenched her thong and is making a mess on her thighs.

She arches, giving me another faceful of her delicious tits. She tries to press herself into my fingers searching for friction, whimpering when I take my hand away from that bundle of nerves.

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