Chapter 26: Birdie

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We ate together, chatted through a couple episodes of Derry Girls, and managed to get a few hours of sleep before the chaos starts up downstairs.

The heavy metal blasting on the speakers vibrates the floors and shakes the walls— if Bear and I are together for the long term, we really need to get our own place.

The thought catches me off guard, but not in a terrifying way. We sort of have an understanding that we're both in this for the long haul now, but neither of us have made any move to say anything more than that.

I know that I feel strongly for Bear, and I see a future with him but I'm not sure that I'm ready to let him know how strongly I feel for him... It's kind of crazy that we've only really known each other a couple months and yet I feel so sure that he's the person that— he's my person.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Bear bends down to pull on his biker boots, "We're having a party to welcome a new prospect into the club, a kid we picked up on that trip I just got back from."

He looks over to find me with a blank face, because even though Zeva gave me a bit of a crash course on club life I don't remember her actually explaining the whole prospect thing; not exactly relevant to my situation.

Bear very sweetly, explains what a prospect is and goes into great detail explaining how someone goes from prospect to patched member, to a member with a title. I didn't have the heart to tell him that Zeva had clued me in a while ago, mostly because I loved that he was explaining his world to me. It feels like he's letting me into it a little bit more.

Which I suppose is a silly thought, he literally made me move in when all this trouble with the Vipers started up, and yet I can't help but think that it's not wrong either.

Zeva slings me a refill on my drink, as I lean on the bar taking in the revelry with quiet mirth. There is something about the chaos that is comforting; like the boisterous festivity of spending the holidays with all of your extended family.

Somehow the new prospect— Koda from what one of the guys said— is upside down with Razor egging him to finish the rest of his drink like that.

It's like being in university all over again, and I can't say it's not amusing.

"Aye, you're the one who gave Pres lip earlier." A guy I've not met nudges my arm as he waits for Zeva at the bar.

Bear's hand on my ass tenses, but he doesn't stop the conversation that he's having with Brute, or look over. It's enough to comfort me, that he's paying attention and looking out for me, but still letting me handle myself.

"What of it?" I raise my brow, looking over the man in front of me.

He looks a little bit older than me, but not by much. His hair is spiked up with gel like he walked right out of the noughties. A beauty mark on his left cheekbone, warm tan, and dark monolid eyes watch me interestedly.

"Took guts," He nods appreciatively. "You'll fit right in around here."

His words put me at ease, and I can't help the smile that pulls at the corner of my lips. "I hope so. Can't say I have any plans of being anywhere else."

His brows raise slightly, not in surprise but in appreciation— he's happy with my answer.

He looks beside me, to Bear who's pretending not to eavesdrop on our conversation. His eyes stay warm, friendly as he teases with wiggling eyebrows. "If you weren't Bear's woman I think you would've liked the Asian persuasion."

I chuckle, laughing harder when Bear turns to him with a fierce glower. "Fuck off Chains. How many times do I gotta to tell you that line doesn't work?"

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