Chapter 25: Bear

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*Disclaimer: I've not written in over 3 months so the quality of writing is probably shite... SORRY!*

“If the Vipers are in bed with the Irish, that’s probably where they’re getting their guns.” Ripper throws out his suspicion as soon as the door shuts behind Birdie. With her gone my arms feel empty, though my mind is most definitely sharper.  

I know she’s been wanting to know all of what goes on behind these doors; I know that she’s been wanting me to tell her everything so it surprises me that she left. Granted, she probably is exhausted from the day she’s had so far but still… Something about her departure strikes me as strange. 

I don’t have a chance to dwell on it when the conversation goes faster than a rapid fire machine gun— if I get stuck in my head for a moment I could miss something. 

“Hawk, what's the numbers look like overall?” 

“Well besides the hole we’re in with Silas, we’ve got that long standing deal for Tobacco with one of our Nordic chapters since the founders' days that really isn’t worth the cost or risk anymore. Even with domestic and clean businesses, we’re losing more than we’re making; it’s not looking good Pres.” Hawk looks up from his laptop screen, a firm frown line lining his forehead above his furrowed brows. 

Pres nods but doesn’t say anything further. His brain is probably already moving a mile a minute, that scheming look taking over his severe features. 

Brute scratches his stubbled chin, nodding for a moment in thought before he lays everything out for us plainly. “Well cards on the table, we’re almost out of the hole with Silas. We still owe him 2 grand, and if we know that the Vipers are in cahoots with the Irish mafia it gives us a few avenues of potential action.”  

It’s good to know that we have options; at least we aren’t backed into a corner. We still have yet to hear about any retaliation from them over the stint we pulled, destroying their new strip joint so finding out they have mob backing does make me antsy. 

“Since Silas has gotten back the majority of what we owe, he’s happy to sit for a while until we come up with the rest.” Razor shrugs, he had gone with Tank this morning to make the drop as soon as the money hit clubs accounts. 

“Yeah I wouldn’t be too quick to trust that snake, he’s more than happy to let us rack up interest.” I can’t help the cynicism that leaks from my voice. I’ve dealt with enough of Silas’ type in my years as an enforcer— sure the Irish are sticky business, but Silas and his crew are the same shit in a different packaging. 

“Bear is right. Our first concern needs to be paying off Silas.” Brute backs me up; where I’ve got experience with folks like Silas, Brute knows what it’s like to be in a financial hole courtesy of his cheating ex wife. 

“We also need to start thinking about how we’re going to make more income for the long term.” Hawk doesn’t even look up from his computer screen as he continues to tap away at God knows what.  

“Starting any new venture means capital that we don’t have.” Tank points out, his gruff baritone tinged with agitation. “It’s not like we’re in a position to ask Silas for more products to sell, not to mention the direct competition with the Vipers dealing dirty shit with Mafia backing.”

“We’re going round in circles here.” Ripper cuts off the conversation with an irritated grunt. 

“The only reliable income that we really have is from the garage. I think we should be investing more into clean ventures.” Tank speaks up, a suggestion I find myself nodding in agreement with. 

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