Chapter 13: Bear

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I storm away from my room. Every part of me is screaming to go back there; to have her; to show her exactly how much I want her; to remind her of how well I can play her body.

I'm not usually in the habit of denying myself the things that I want, then again I'm not usually in the habit of wanting either. But the look of plain regret on her face was enough. It was the exact reminder that I needed.

She's too good for me, she doesn't belong here.

The blood in my veins is burning, scorching me from the inside. I can't explain the swelling urge, a nonsensical possessiveness that takes over me when it comes to Robin; it only makes it harder for me to walk the fuck away. God I want to punch something.

I need air.

I head straight down the stairs, with the full intention of getting on my bike and driving until I forget her dark skin, darker eyes and even darker curls. Though let's be honest here, I'm kidding myself if I think there's any road long enough for that.

Pres steps in front of me, just as I head out to go to my bike, cutting me off. He watches me, cold calculating eyes scrutinising me.

"Where are you going?"

"For a ride."

"Nobody rides alone until this Viper situation cools down, sorry brother." He pats me on my shoulder. I know he's trying to steer me off but I need air, space. "Besides, you don't want to miss the patch party."

I nod in understanding, heading outside anyway leaning up against the side of the bar as I spark a cig.

The smoke fills my lungs and it's a welcome distraction from the short, thick Doctor that I know is still in my room. The last thing she needs is to be drawn any further into this world.

I know that staying away from her is the best thing for the both of us. I've already proved that the only thing I can bring her is trouble; yet she's all I can think of. She's all that I crave.

Since last night, the need for her has itched my veins. From the moment I had her I knew that I could never get enough of her.

Only I can't have her at all.

My cigarette burns down to the filter way too fast, and I have the fleeting thought of sparking up another.

Instead I find my way to my garage across the lot. I still have to fix Gear head's woman's car, so I find myself under the hood lost in the gearbox.

It's enough to keep my mind distracted, at least for a few hours.


A few hours later and the party going on in the bar is in full swing.

Since Birdie has taken up residency in my room, I shower in the staff facilities at the garage. Though without a change of clothes I'm forced to wear the grease stained wife beater and dark jeans from earlier with my cut.

My brothers have definitely decided to get as rowdy as they possibly can, the music blasting, alcohol flowing and soul eaters on less clothes than usual.

I suppose it's the only appropriate way to patch in the prospects properly.

We toast to Bones and Crow who seem to enjoy the attention from both the brothers and a number of soul eaters. Both grin at one another, checking out their cuts as if giddy to be wearing a cut with a proper patch, no longer just a mere prospect.

It's moments like that I remember they're just kids.

From my seat at one of the booths, I watch the mayhem around me. The blonde from this morning settles herself beside me, leaning onto my arm.

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