Chapter 17: Bear

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I try to push away the look on Robin's face this morning when Pres asked me to stay behind from my mind; it's all that's been lingering in my mind since she left with one of the prospects. Hell she looked as disappointed as I felt.

It's even worse knowing that I can't really tell her what's going on— she's already become an unwitting target, so the less she knows the better. Besides, it'll make it easier for her when it's safe for her to go back to her life.

She wants to choose, but there's no way she'd choose this. No-one chooses this life, not if they have better options, and Robin? Robin has enough potential that she could change the world if she wanted to.

A heavy feeling settles on my chest and I'm reminded once again why I need to push away any and all thoughts of her.

I need to focus.

"Hawk finally managed to dig up some info that might point to where that scumbag Triple T is hiding." Pres gestures to Hawk across the table where all the patched members of the club have congregated for Church.

"Found him taking out cash and managed to track him for a bit but eventually lost him in a blindspot." Hawk explains, pulling out some grainy photographs that he's pulled from CCTV cameras.

Technically Hawk is the club's secretary, and is in charge of the club funds but he's a jack of all trades who tends to come in handy when we need information like this.

"The real problem is this." He pauses, looking down at the laptop screen in front of him, opening up another window to show us some footage. It's time stamped two days ago.

Hawk speeds through the footage at double speed, slowing it down when the bastard in question comes through the door of the tiny computer repair shop.

He hangs round the front of the store, keeping his face hidden from the elderly man behind the counter as he 'looks at' the gadgets on display.

My brows furrow, confusion tickling my forehead. I almost get impatient, wanting to ask Hawk exactly what we're supposed to be looking at. That is until a lanky kid comes through the back doors, pats the old man on the back and says something.

"No sound?" Ripper quizzes, squinting as he watches the screen.

"No, feed is video only."

The old man smiles, watches Triple T with a wary glance before murmuring something back to the kid. He picks up his cane and heads through the back doors the kid just came through.

Triple T glances at the door before rushing to the counter, dragging the kid by his shirt front.

The kid looks frightened for about half a second before he throws his hands up in the air. The two exchange words for a moment before the bastard releases the kid.

The lanky noodle of a boy chances a glance over his shoulder to the back doors before pulling out a stack of passports.

"A counterfeiter?" I raise my brow in question, because let's face it I doubt he's there to get his laptop fixed.

"He's fleeing the country." Pres fixes his hard stare to the laptop screen where Tiny T leans over the counter to the gangly teenager, sliding over a thick envelope.

The kid opens it, thumbs through the wad of cash before he nods, sticking the envelope in the back pocket of his jeans as he says something.

My attention stays on the piece of shit who's pale face turns red with rage and he begins yelling, but the kid just shrugs barely noticing as the massive thug backs out the front door of the store.

Hawk nods, agreeing with his suspicion. "That would be my guess."

"Bear, Ripper, and Chopper, I want the three of you on this run." Pres' face grows darker, eyes narrowing. That brain of his moving chess pieces, always trying to stay multiple steps ahead. "This is time sensitive, once Hawk gets the most up to date info on this shit stains location I want you on the road."

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