Chapter 3

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"This is a layout of Star Labs. The interior is larger than most in the state. Very few in the country have the high level tech that we provide."

"Are we still in an interview Ms. Weeks?" You raise a brow, and her shoulders straighten.

"My apologies. "

You understood that she was above all else hired to be the face for Harrison Wells. Representation was important.

"I know you're uneasy. I've heard about the letters he's been receiving. But I assure you I am good at my job. Please have faith in my ability." Her facade begins to deflate.

"I don't mean to question your capabilities." You can sense that there is more to this than just securing favor with her boss.

"It's personal." you inquire.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Dr. Wells...Harrison." She corrects herself.

"When I started out, he was the one who gave me a shot. I'd tried so many other establishments but I kept getting turned down. I couldn't understand why. My resume was spotless. I had every requirement covered. "

Now her pushy attitude during the interview makes sense.

"Trying to be recognized in this line of work is difficult regardless of whether you wear pants or not. It's frustrating. I was ready to give up, but Dr. Wells took me on. He gave me a shot when even his executive advised him against it. He believed in me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten confidence in myself, I wouldn't have even met my husband." Her finger runs over her ring with a fond expression.

"That's why his protection is important to me. Very few people have the kind of power that he possesses and still have their humanity. It's rare."

The way she speaks about him sort of makes you want to take a bullet for the guy.

"I'll do my best to ensure that nothing happens to humanity's last hope." You give a soft smile, and she returns it.

"Thank you."

"No problem Ms. Weeks."

"Allison. You can call me Allison."

"Alright Allison."

There's a lot that needs to be done. You have yet to meet with Harrison. Officially, you start working in three days. You just needed to gather all that you could about his facility as well as his schedule. He's a busy man. There's no doubt about that. As you're running through the papers, something stands out.

"What are all these blank spots on his schedule?"

"Those are time slots reserved for his personal errands."

"If I'm going to be running surveillance for him 24/7 I'll need to know all his whereabouts."

"Then you'll need to discuss that with him."


She shakes her head.

"I promise I'm not trying to make your job difficult. The fact of the matter is I have no idea what he does in those particular hours. There have been times where he's gone hours at any given moment. When he gets back he just jumps right into work. It's not my business to ask a grown man what he does with his time. My job is to keep him updated. That's all."

You understand that. It appears you will have to confront him yourself. If it's something scandalous, it could be the reason behind the threats.

"If you find anything that could jeopardize his image.."

"You'll be the first to know. As long as he isn't some kind of serial killer I'm fine with covering up some minor unpleasantries."

Truth is maybe he has a secret lover that he's just trying to keep out of the paper. If it isn't something that will compromise your integrity, then you weren't going to press.

"So, tell me about your husband."

You're still sifting through the documents. Allison fidgets, wearing a slight flush.

"Is it really appropriate to talk about my personal life while you work? "

"Technically I'm not on the clock yet. Right now all of this is complimentary. So, do go on."

She lets out a soft laugh under her breath.

"You really are a unique individual Ms. Yale."

"Thank you, I'll be here all week for your convenience." You joke

This might actually be the start of a good friendship.

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