Chapter 4

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Entering Star Labs bright and early Monday morning, you swipe your badge. You are greeted by the receptionist as you head to your destination. Harrison was waiting in his office to officially meet. You'd cover every base you could with no success on who it was targeting him. 

While you were an excellent security detail, detective work would have to be left to the professionals. That's why you'd called in a favor from a friend to help keep tabs while you carried out your job. You had every base covered.

Stepping out of the elevator, you head for his office. The closer you get, the more you try to imagine what kind of man he is. You already covered your own research. Yet, he still feels like a mystery.

"I'll be there whenever you need me Barry, you just have to call."

Your brows knit at his words from behind the door. You pause.

"I thought I was the only appointment he had this morning."

You went over his schedule continuously.

"Dr. Wells?" You knock.

"Come in!"

He calls. You turn the knob. But when you step inside, there is no one there beside Harrison Wells himself. His curtains are swaying like there's just been a draft.

"Were you talking to someone?"

"What? Oh yes! I was on a call. " He points to his phone, and you stare at it before looking back at him.

"You must be Ms. Yale. Your resume was impressive. You're quite an accomplished individual. I'm surprised you were able to find time to take my case. I insisted that additional security was unnecessary, but Allison is quite persuasive when she needs to be."

"I've come to realize that myself. I assure you that you are just as important."

"Why thank you."

"To my paycheck." You finish.

A smile grows on his face.

"I heard you were a comedian. It's nice to meet you." He walks over, hand extended. You just study him. Most people would have been at least a little offended. Had he been a politician you were positive he would have been inflated like a pufferfish right now. But he actually looks amused.

"One of the best detectives at CCPD is looking into your case. Because there has been no attempt on your life, unfortunately it'll be hard to form an active case."

"I understand fully. Thank you for being so diligent."

His calm demeanor isn't what you would expect.

"I don't mean to pry, but why are you so laid back? From what I understand, you have an actual threat. I went through all the letters. This isn't just some nobody trying to get their name in the paper."

"Worrying about the future has never done anyone good. In my life I've come to realize that nothing is truly forever. Life, even death. Everything is just a concept of time. If I were to die right now, then it would just mean that there is something better, somewhere better for me to be. Don't you agree?"

"You're a weird man."

He laughs.

"Possibly. Maybe I'm a crazy genius." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Rich people will always be a mystery to me." You state.

The smile is still present on his face.

This job will certainly be unlike any that you've ever taken. You can just feel it. 

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