Chapter 14

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"You' tolerance is extraordinary.."

Harrison's cheeks are slightly flushed, and his words are slurred. You put down another glass, but your face hasn't changed.

"I was in the army, all we did with what little free time we had was drink. I started out as a rookie. But by the third month I was the best in my squad." You pour another glass, emptying it in record time.

The alcohol burns, but it brings a strange sense of comfort.

"Some of the cases I worked, you're required to have a higher tolerance. I did a lot of undercover work with the FBI. When you're trying to catch drug lords, you need to be able to drink like them and still do your job."

"You worked with the FBI?"

You nod.

"My first job was with witness protection. They needed someone on short notice to play the part of the politician I had as a client. Feds were a bit uneasy and they didn't have someone readily available. So I volunteered. After I basically shook them down of course."

Harrison is laughing.

"They couldn't have been happy about that."

"Not one bit. But I was starting my business, and they needed a person in the field. We caught the men in a matter of hours. Biggest paycheck I ever received. "

"Cheers to that."

Harrison lifts his glass into the air, right before he downs it.

"You're drunk."

It's a dry statement. From the goofy look on his face, you have officially confirmed that your words are correct.

"So, what about love? Any past lovers?"

You debate on even entertaining the conversation. But from the looks of it, he might not even remember it in the morning.

"A s-strong...successful, intelligent woman such as yourself must have the men gathering at your feet. "

A particular memory comes to mind.

~Four Years Ago~


You hand him the drink, and he laughs, taking it.

"Please, we're not in the field anymore, it's been years. Call me Curtis. You've become quite grown."

For some reason it was comforting to hear that. He takes a sip, relishing in the burn the alcohol brings.

It's crazy, because this man has given you so much and more. So when he decided to stop for a visit, you were more than excited.

All those years ago, he'd given you a place to stay and even helped you get your first job when you entered society. Returning from war was never easy. But he'd stayed by your side until you had a steady job and you were finally able to buy a place of your own.

He lifted his glass, and you did the same, softening the pleats on your dress as you knocked your glasses together.

"We take care of our own. If it wasn't for you I would not have had a life to get back to. That day, you were the one that saved me. I was just returning the favor. "

He'd done that and much more.

All the success you have now would not have been possible without him. When you returned, you were a mess. You spent the first few months trying to make sense of what you had seen that day. Everyone kept saying it was PTSD. But they weren't there. They didn't experience what you had seen. You couldn't tell anyone. Say anything without being thrown into an institute. Curtis was the one who told you to deal with it. You refused to truly talk about it, and he never forced you. He's just given you advice.

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