Chapter 5

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"Have you made any progress?

The detective shakes her head.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I've tried tracing where the letters were distributed but every lead just sends me to another dead end.

"It's alright Iris. Let me know if anything comes up." She smiles.

"I will." Sitting in her office, you lean back on the chair.

"Is everything alright sergeant." She jokes. You run a hand through your hair.

"Yeah, it's just this scientist guy. He's really throwing me off."

"How so?"

You adjust yourself in the chair.

"I don't know, he's just weird. The guy is a self made billionaire. Every high class client I've had thus far has given me some kind of headache with their annoying self entitlement. But this guy is like a decent human being. I spent the entire day with him and he never raised his voice not once. Some of those articles paint him like a self indulgent monster. I'm not usually one to read tabloids but so far they've been a pinch of truth to each article. Yet this time, it's like they were way off."

"I'd think you'd be ecstatic that he's not a douchebag."

"I am." 

You really are. Doing the job was hard enough when you didn't have to constantly appeal to unreasonable clients.

"Then what's the matter?"

You sigh.

"He's hiding something. I don't know what it is or why but I know that something is there."

Iris taps her fingers on the desk.

"You're afraid that if it's something bad then you'll have no choice but to confront him."

That's exactly what you're scared of. If he turned out to be some kingpin running a trafficking ring you would shoot him yourself.

"I say have faith in him. I've met him a couple times and I've read a lot of the work he's done. You should check it out. Then make your decision." Her advice is solid. This could all just be in your head, but it paid to be vigilant.

"Alright. I'll do what I can. Thank you Iris. Really. "

"It's what I'm here for." She grins, spinning in her chair.

"Now that we've sorted out your problem, tell me which one of these dresses will blow a nerd's mind." 

You can't stop your laughter when she picks up her phone and begins scrolling through the options.

"Is this for the cute CSI that works in your department?" She nods, and you point at one that makes her smile gleefully.

"That's the one."

She's still gazing at the dress happily.

"Iris, you really like this guy huh." You've known her long enough. Very rarely did a guy make her squeal like a high schooler.

"I..I don't know how to explain it. One day we just ran into each other and it just clicked. I've always seen him around, but we didn't interact until that one time. He was wearing these dorky pairs of glasses and an infectious smile. We'd just gotten through a tough case and he just gave me some advice that I really needed that day. Since then we've been having coffee dates. But this is the first dinner we'll be going to."

"I'm happy for you. It's about time you got hitched." She slaps your arm playfully.

"It's just dinner, not a marriage proposal." She giggles.

Although she says that, the smile on her face tells that she isn't opposed to either option.

Love truly is a beautiful thing.

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