Chapter 22

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Justin grunts as he drops Iris's unconscious body right next to Barry's.

"Being on the police force makes this a little complicated."

He'd taken not just one but two officers of the law. So chances are the police would be on this faster than he would have liked.

"It'll be easier if I just kill them here."

He didn't need the dead weight. After all, the person he was really after was Harrison Wells. This would no doubt get his attention. His gaze moves back to your body.

"I really didn't want to have to kill you so soon. I wanted to taunt him a little longer. He seemed to actually care about you too. So this is gonna sting for a while."

The grin on his face was filled with malice. His expression only fell when he heard the inaudible mumbling from your lips.

"In brightest day, in darkest night."

Justin stood in utter confusion.

"In blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight."

"How are you still alive.." Justin glances at his gun as if in confirmation.

"Let those who worship evil's might."

Your eyes opened, and the green light circling your irises made him stumble backwards.

"Beware my power, Green Lantern's light."

A blast shot out from your body sweeping over the room, and he was pivoted into the air. His body hit the wall on the opposite side of the room. The gun flying out his hand on impact. Your body was lifted upright by the green energy circling your body. The mass of emerald light crawled up your arms and legs forming your suit of armor. The insignia at the center of your chest was hard to miss. When your feet touched the ground again, you could only stare. At the suit, as well as the ring on finger.

"This is incredible..."

"It is."

Oliver's voice caught your attention. He leaned both Iris and Barry against the couch, and you rushed over to them.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine." You could no longer see the bruise on Barry's head. There wasn't a scratch on Iris either.

"They'll wake up soon."

That was a relief.

The biggest problem now is Justin. He was presently unconscious.

"He knows about everything. Harrison, The"

It wasn't the best situation.

"I guess we'll have to do something about that."

Oliver lifts his hand, and Justin's body is levitating. It flies over in your direction, and you can hear his struggles.


Oliver snaps his fingers and Justin's head drops forwards, body unmoving. You panic.

"Did you kill him!!"



"I didn't, relax. I just removed all his memories. Only the important ones. He'll remember all his crimes, but not the particulars. You, Harrison Wells, Barry Allen, Iris West, you're more important than you realize. The universe has ways of protecting its defenders."

"Woah, you can erase his memories just like that."

"You should probably call the police."

"But, what else can you do? What else can I do? If my neighbor is acting up can I just make her forget she's an asshole."

"Your powers don't work like that."

"Wow, well that's stupid. What's the point of a cool green suit if all it does is glows." You look down at your arms and Oliver sighs.

"I have to go."

He snaps his fingers and Justin's body drops with a thud.

"Take care of this." When Oliver flicks his wrist, a green lantern appears out of thin air. You catch it haphazardly.

"Try to stay out of trouble. Even the universe has a temper." Oliver turns his back.


He pauses, but doesn't turn around.

"Thank you, for everything."

He nods.

"Be safe (Y/N)."

It's the last thing he says before he's gone.

All you can do is smile. 

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