Chapter 15

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Due to the hefty amount of alcohol you ingested that night, you decided it was better stay the night than take a drive.

After rummaging through Harrisons annoyingly large house, you'd found what you needed to have a nice bath and get yourself to bed. There was a guest room not that far from his bedroom, so you stuck a note on his nightstand and decided to call it a night.

You didn't want him to have any surprises in the morning.

Superpowers or not, he would most likely wake up hungover tomorrow.

That's what the painkillers and bottle of water was for.

"I should ask for a raise."

It didn't take that long to fall asleep. Maybe it was the alcohol.

You were nice and comfortable.

That's why when the light in your room flickered on in your room you were very confused.

You squinted, immediately recognizing the figure closing the door.

"Harrison? What's wrong?"

He made it all the way to your bed.

"Why won't you let me love you, am I not good enough?" 

His words were a shock.

"H-Harrison what are you talking about?" It had to be the alcohol.

You stand.

"Listen to me you're drunk okay. When you're sober this will all just be another story to laugh at."

"I love you."

His confession makes your heart stutter. You swallow, raising your hands to place on his shoulder.

"You don't mean that."

"I do." 

His eyes look pleading.

"Do you love me?"

You stammer.

"H-Harrison I..."

How were you supposed to reply to that?

"I..I'm not built for love Harrison.." Your head lowers. 

It was hard to keep a shield up when Harrison was looking at you with so much vulnerability. His hand lifts, stroking your cheek.

"I don't believe that."

You're unable to form a defense to that, and when he kisses you, your body seems to just allow it. This was wrong. He was your boss. You should stop this before you cross a line you couldn't come back from. His hand moves under your over length shirt, and some of your rationality seems to return. You pull away, taking a step back.

"W-We can't!!"

He stares, and there's a sense of dread.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry I shouldn't have..I.."

He looks heartbroken.

He hadn't really done anything wrong. He may have kissed you, but you kissed back. This was far from one sided. You bite down on your lower lip, taking some much needed steps. When your back hits the door, you turn the lock. Harrison lifts his head at the sound. Although you look calm on the outside, you're far from it.

"You love me.."

Harrison takes a breath, moving over to you cautiously.

"Do you love me?" He asks quietly.

You nod bashfully, eyes darting to his lips. He lets out that breath, and he's on you in seconds. You welcome it. Every hurried kiss. His hands scramble to feel your skin.

"C-Can I?"

You nod desperately, and he practically rips your panties off. His arms grip your thighs, and you're lifted against the door as he begins leaving kisses along your neck.




Your body jolts, and you stare at the ceiling. 

There's a tingling between your legs, and when you look over, you can see the sunlight peeking through the curtains. You look over for good measure, and your bed is empty. You drop onto the pillow groaning.

This is bad. 

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