Chapter 24

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It was a given that you would have the day off.

Harrison insisted on driving you home. It was sweet, his need to stick to you.

You opened the door to your apartment, a sigh of relief escaping. It was exactly six in the morning. You hadn't realized how quick the hours rushed by. The sun was just breaking through the sky, and you stretched.

"An eventful night to say the least." He states.

You turned as he closed the door.

There was so much you wanted to say to him.

Tell him.

About your powers, your near death.

But the most pressing matter was the current one.


Harrison lifted his head.

"I quit."

His face fell the second the words left your mouth. If he was expecting anything, it wasn't that.

"(Y/N) I-"

"I'm in love with you Harrison Wells."

His mouth slid shut.

Yet another surprise.

"I think I've been in love with you since that day you rebuttal my sarcasm with just a smile."

The smile that you send adds to his astonishment.

"I've been trying so hard to convince myself that I didn't deserve the happiness I was given. But I'm done feeling guilty. Feeling helpless and miserable. I want to be happy. I want to say those words and mean it. I don't want to hide behind my pain anymore. I survived and I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be loved."

He wasn't sure what to say.

"That's why I quit. Because I want a future with you. I want a future with us." You step closer, and you can fully see the tears that begin to build behind his eyes. He doesn't wipe them away.

"Are you don't need more time. I-I'll wait for you. I'll wait forever if I have to.."

He really is an amazing person.

"I'm ready."

You whisper.

No words can truly express how good it feels to hear those words. You reach for him, hugging him with all you have and Harrison laughs. One that's filled with joy and maybe a bit of disbelief. You were so guarded for so long. Holding you right now is a dream he thought he wouldn't be able to obtain. At least not this soon.

His hand runs down your back and you grip at his suit jacket, breathing in.

"You smell really good.."

Your voice is a bit muffled, but he hears it and he smiles.

For now, just the embrace is what you both need. 

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