Chapter 16

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"Let me get this straight, you had a wet dream about Harrison Wells. Like the Harrison Wells."

"Say it louder for the people in the back, Iris. I don't think they heard." You reply sarcastically.

Luckily, you were in her office.

"This is a surprise. I mean I get why you would crush on him. The whole boss-employee thing is the biggest troupe out there. But the fact that he's actually a pretty decent guy helps. I fully approve."

"What do you mean you approve! I'm not trying to date him. It was one stupid dream. I just let my guard down because I was drunk. That's it."

"I mean, if you think about it, you're not exactly putting yourself out there. It was only a matter of time. Our bodies really are more honest."

"You're not helping."

She's still smiling.

"What's so wrong about giving it a shot? I've seen the way you look at him."

Your body becomes tense.

"Oh, you thought I wouldn't notice. I'm a detective. I'm trained to read body language. That day in the office when you realized he was in danger you went full on attack mode. I know there were a lot more people in danger, so your reaction was expected. But the way you looked at him it was different."

You stand abruptly.

"I have to get to work. I'll talk to you later. "

Iris sighs.

"You can't run from this forever. Please just..just consider it. Maybe you might actually be happy."

"I am happy."

That's the last thing you say before you exit her office.

"That was no help." You were hoping Iris would be the voice of reason. Instead she'd actually encouraged you to pursue it.


She was absolutely crazy. There was no way you could do that.

Driving back to Star Labs feels like too short a trip. When you pull your car around, your eyes glance at something in your rearview mirror. When you turn, the person you thought you'd just seen is gone.

"It couldn't be.."

Justin Hainley was in prison.

"Damn it."

You were really losing your edge. It might have something to do with the lack of sleep after that heated dream. The following day you were almost scared to fall asleep. You were a little worried that you might have an encore and the last thing you needed was to imagine your boss having his way with you.

"I wasn't exactly an unwilling participant."

You close your eyes, taking a breath to banish the image.

You take a moment to gather your wits, then head up to the office. The good thing is you've gotten very good at compartmentalizing. Letting something as foolish as a dream rule your actions was immature. You meet Allison in the hallway.

"Good morning." She looks pretty chipper, so you have to ask.

"Plans with your hubby?"

She smiles shyly.

"It's our anniversary. He refuses to tell me where he's taking me. But it's always something special. "

"That's nice."

Allison nods, then slows her pace to look at you.

"When we met I assumed you'd be unapproachable. But I was wrong. You're very easy to talk to. Despite your constant monotone speech."

"That felt like a compliment and an insult all wrapped up in one."

"It might have been." She smiles, and you open the door as she steps in. You follow.

"Good morning Dr. Wells."

She's already in work mode. She goes through his meetings and other updates that he needs to attend to. You just stand at the side. You don't miss the fleeting glances he sends your way every now and then.

"Please set up a meeting with the Chairman immediately." Harrison states. Allison nods, taking off.

"I'll be back with the plans for the extension on the fifth floor. Please excuse me." 

She's gone with the clicking of heels. You adjust your sleeves. Harrison is still working on the documents in front of him, but he looks stiff.

"Why are you so unnerved? Is there something I should be aware of?"

Harrison tenses.

"I suppose it's stupid to try and get anything past you."

"Incredibly stupid."

He lets out a short laugh.

"I just wanted to apologize for the other night. I basically held you hostage at my house. I got you wasted and then you still had to carry me up the stairs. Not my finest moment. "

"If you want to apologize for anything, it should be your lack of tolerance. You were buzzed after two drinks. "

"In my defense the alcoholic content was higher than most."

"I survived it." You say smugly.

"As I recall, your tolerance is through the roof."

His statement makes you straighten.

"You remember that?"

He nods, opening a folder as he begins browsing through it.

"I remember quite a lot."

You were really hoping he forgot that.

The look he sends you seems to mirror what you'd seen in your dreams. You shift in place.

"Please be more conscious of your drinking. "

That's all you say, and he sends a little smile before he goes back to work. Your chest drops as you exhale discreetly.

It's going to be a trying day. 

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