Chapter 6

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"Good morning Sir."

"Please, just Harriosn is fine." You don't respond, just hold the door open.

"We should get moving. Your meeting is in thirty minutes. "

He gathers his documents with a smile.

"One of these days I will get you to smile."

"Not likely."

"I think you're softening up to me."

"Once again, you hold my next paycheck in your hand."

"That sounds like an excuse to me."

The banter goes back and forth as you head out the door.

Harrison is a very unusual individual.

You can say for one he's entertaining to work for. He was good at charming others. You'd seen how on more than one occasion he'd gotten some very narcissistic individuals to spill their pockets for a better cause. It was kind of impressive. It was as if he'd mastered the art.

It was refreshing seeing such abilities used with good intentions rather than bad.

It begs the question, why is such a noble man single. Surely the women were lining up.

Not only is he rich, but he's also very handsome. As you follow him down, you keep a steady gaze on him. It's times like this that had you questioning what his big secret was.

"Is something out of place?" He asks, fixing his tie. You shake your head as you both wait for the elevator.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." You explain.

The doors open, and you both step out.

"Hmm, if you say so."

This man is so constantly cheerful that it feels like you're in one of the childish sitcoms. When you step out into the open, the car that pulls up catches your attention.

"Your ride is here Dr. Wells." The man says from the front seat.

Harrison moves to get the door, but you stop him.

"It's impolite to let someone of his class open his own door. What kind of service is your organization running?" The man scrambles out of the car.

Harrison waves his hand.

"I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door. Don't be ridiculous. " He laughs it off, but you still block him, and now he's confused. When the man walks around the car towards the door, you lift your arm and tase him. Harrison jumps in surprise, and the worker drops to the floor, convulsing on the ground until you stop the bolts of electricity.

"W-Why did you taser my employee?!" The strings recceed, and the man is unconscious on the ground.

By now the rest of Harrison's security detail have gathered, and a few bystanders begin to gather. You begin designating jobs.

"Johnson, work on crowd control. Phillip, notify CCPD. We have an attempted kidnapping. Jefferson, bring around my car. Dr. Wells has a meeting to get to. Kain, notify Allison of everything that is going on. We don't want any crazy news reports skewing what happened."

They begin to disperse. Harrison is a bit frazzled.

"I think there are more pressing matters."

"Sir, I assure you, I have this handled. You told me that this meeting was important. I'd hate for you to lose a great opportunity for my negligence. We can sort this all out once we're back from your meeting."

He was under the impression that you merely entertained when you were around. But you'd been willfully listening. The screech of tires catches your attention. Jefferson pulls up, and you open the door.

"Please get in."

He realizes at this point that there is very little that can stop you. That much is clear, so he jumps into the car, and you slip in next to him.

Heading on your way. 

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