Chapter 17

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Iris felt a bit unfulfilled after trying her best to encourage you to be honest about your feelings.

She only wishes some of that would rub off on her.

She'd been on at least six dates and Barry had yet to make a single move on her. 

Their dinners were amazing, and the movie nights were great. Having lunch and sometimes breakfast when she was free had become a normal part of her life.

Yet, Barry hadn't so much as kissed her.

Nor had he made any kind of advance.

It was kind of frustrating.

Of course she'd dropped hints at every point, but he never seemed to pick up on any of them. She was nearing her point. She'd decided that at their little dinner at her home tonight, she would have to apprehend him. There was no other way. She needed to jump him. Because if she waited any longer for him to make a move, it would be the next three months before they actually kissed.

Iris laughed at her inner thoughts.

Never before had she planned to attack her date the way she wanted to with Barry Allen.

She was quite literally crazy in love.

The doorbell rang, and she smoothed her dress, jumping up.

When she opened the door, he was wearing a neat suit with those adorable glasses. He held a bouquet of flowers, and his eyes sparkled the moment he looked at her.

"Iris... you look beautiful. N-Not that you don't always look beautiful!! You're always glowing!!" He went on a rant for another minute or so, and she giggled, stepping aside to let him in. He shuffled in awkwardly as she closed the door.

"These are for you!" He handed her the flowers, adjusting his glasses.

She smiled.

"I'll put these in a vase. Make yourself comfortable. Do you mind grabbing the glasses?"

"Of course not, I'll get right to it." He trudged into the kitchen to gather the wine glasses. While he was distracted, she fixed her hair nervously.

"Tonight's the night. I'm going in for that kiss."

It seemed to be her only goal. They'd been dating for almost three months now.

When she returned, he'd already have everything set up.

"So what's on the menu?" He asked with a little smile.

They'd been alternating who made dinner each time. After their first meeting Barry had come to realize that Iris was an extraordinary cook. If he had to guess, every reality must have had a talented chef called Iris West.

"I know you're hungry, but I was hoping to just hold you after the day I had." He laughed, opening his arms, and she hugged him happily.

"Was it another robbery?"

"You could say that." 

She mumbled, pulling away. His hands were still lying comfortably on her hips, and when he caught the stare she wore, his heart rate increased. He gulped.

"I-Is your air conditioner working, i-it's really hot in here." He took a step back with a nervous laugh, and Iris reached for his hand, stopping him.

"Alright, explain yourself. We've been dating for months and I think it's great. Has it not been great for you?"

"Of course Iris, it's been amazing!!" He took her hands in his.

"Then why do you always pull away or make an excuse whenever I try to get close. It's like you're running away from me." Her words hurt, and he realized then that he'd been foolish.

"I'm sorry I.." He released her hands, running his palm through his hair.

"You're incredible Iris. So incredible. Sometimes I think you're too incredible for me. When we started dating I was ecstatic. But then my friend Snart said that if I'm over eager then it could ruin everything. I haven't had a whole lot of experience dating and I just wanted this one to be special because I really think that you're the one..." His eyes held so much admiration.

"I've been holding back because I'm terrified that you'll be overwhelmed and decide that this isn't what you want."

She couldn't believe it. This entire time he was just a bit uneasy about their relationship. Not uninterested. It looks like they were both a bit insecure.

"Barry, there's no one else that I want to be with. You're the only one. I was wrong. I was feeling exactly the same, but I kept talking myself out of bringing up the topic. I'm sorry."

He shook his head.

"You have nothing to apologize for." This time, the hug they shared seemed to hold all the doubts they'd been carrying. Iris released a sigh, elated. Barry smiled.

"From here on out, we're completely forward about what we want. No more guessing or taking terrible advice from our friends." Barry laughs.

"I think I can agree to that."

Her hands ran down his chest, and she peeked up at him through her eyelashes.

"No more holding back..?" She asked.

His eyes were searching hers for any sign that the very action he'd been dying to do was welcomed. She nodded, pulling away just enough that she could enjoy the beauty of her partner. Barry slipped his glasses off, placing it on the counter close by. Iris was the one breathless this time around. Something about the change in his expression had her heart beating in anticipation.

"No holding back.." He replied.

He pulled her in, and the moment their lips met, she could have sworn she felt sparks of electricity rush through her body. She always thought that expression was cheesy and an obvious myth. But as he held her in his arms, she couldn't argue with every feeling that ignited in her body. His hand skimmed her hip, while the other delved into her hair.

It was crazy that they waited so long. If she knew it would have felt this good, she would have jumped him weeks ago.

The second he parted, she was worried that it would end. That they would stop. She had every intention of making her desires known. But it turns out she didn't have to. His gaze spoke volumes.

"I don't want to stop."

He admitted.

She nodded, pulling him down the hallway clumsily as they ventured to the bedroom.

They had a lot of time to make up for it.

~The Next Day~

"Good morning!"

A peppy Iris grabbing coffee with you was a little unusual. She was often like a zombie before she had her daily dose of caffeine.

"What's got you all smiley?"


She punctuated, practically skipping out the door.

"She definitely got laid."

Her expression said it all.

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