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"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever."

'I can go on my own! Why don't you let me do anything by myself?' I have been trying to get the permission to go play outside for almost an hour now Why does she always have to doubt me

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'I can go on my own! Why don't you let me do anything by myself?' I have been trying to get the permission to go play outside for almost an hour now Why does she always have to doubt me. Just because of some stupid little illness. What was it called again? Ameia?aneia? An-? whatever.
'please mom I want to make friends on my own!I will be fine I'm not that weak pleaseeeee let me go play outside'

Mom massaged her temple and sighed "Oh my god what am I gonna do with you." She looked at me again and I put on my most teary eyes. Please this gotta work! "Fine just promise me to not get into any trouble" she patted my head. yess! Finally I can go play on my own, my hardwork has paid off.
'yess mom I love youuu!!!'


'I won't,bye!!"

I took my water bottle with me. I will prove that I can be just fine without big brother too! I walked out of the house. Where should I go first? I looked right and left. Hmmm, right!
As I was walking on the street I saw a black cat walking on the wall over! OMG I love cats!! Wait- why is it running?

'hey don't run! Come back!'

How can this cat run so fast?


it won't listen to me! If only Big brother was here he would hav- no Nayaka! you are gonna show them that you can be okay without big brother too. As much as I love big brother, he accompanies me everywhere like I am a small kid! I'm 7 years no. almost 8 years old now! I can take care of myself!

Wait? Where did the cat go again?and where am I again? It was a strange park. I don't think this park is familiar to me... Where am I? I looked around saw some kids making playing on the slide maybe they can tell me where I am. They look older then me...what are they doing? I took some steps towards the slide. My eyes widened in horror They had a little puppy and they were hurting him by pushing him on the slide. How can they? I will not let this happen

I ran to the slide where the puppy was laying I lifted him he looks so scared. My eyes softened 'its okay..you can go now' I let him go by putting him on the ground. Now I will tell those boys to not do this horrible thing again!
'why are you doing this? You are such a horrible person!'

"Who are you? How dare you take our fun away?"

The boy who looked like he was the leader came down. "I have never seen you around? You are new aren't you and you messed with us"
"Boss we should teach her a lesson!" The boy standing right to me with a weird look said. Before I could have said anything I fell. The scary looking boy pushed me! How could he... I- my eyes are stinging..I'm gonna cry...'nii-sa-'


It was an unfamiliar voice...it didn't come from the 3 boys in front of me. I wanted to look for it but I was too scared to move. I am scared. I shouldn't have come here without big brother.

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