t w e n t y o n e

18 0 0

Sorry in advance for the small chapter :(


Yesterday we finally took the first step of our plan to stop delinquents once and for all, we had alot of fun and we reached home yesterday near 1am, and then I overslept. Yes for the first time I have missed school. As much as I am ashamed of myself, sometimes laying on my bed and doing nothing feels good. Plus it's just one day.

Seriously big brother went to school anyways, I feel betrayed. I finally left my bed near 9 am and went to the washroom to freshen up.
I took a quick bath and changed my clothes.

Oh God... everything is so boring without hiro-chan and big brother There is nothing I can do right now so I might just watch TV or something.

"Nayaka you missed school?"
Big brother asked looking strucked

' I overslept'

"Which direction did the sun rise from today?"


I didn't realise how much time I spend lazing around and watching tv
It was already 5 pm. Maybe I should study a little.

I went to my room and heard my phone ringing continuously,




 what the hell who is blowing my phone up?

I opened 8 missed calls and 14 unread messages from Hina-chan<3

What on earth? I clicked on the messeges


Pick up the phone!

Oh my god

Why today of all days?!?

Come on!

Where are you??

I need to tell you something!

Yk what I will just tell you here

We are together!

Me and hanagaki-kun are dating!

I need to tell you the details!

Text me when you are free!

I got cram school, call me at night

Bye bye :)


What the actual fuck? Why how when and WHY TODAY OUT OF ALL DAY? how...I don't remember her even talking to him how are they dating now...its too much for my brain.

Later on I called Hina-chan and she told me about the confession thing. I wish I could have seen it... but at the same time I don't, her life long crush and her are finally dating. I'm happy for her.

What if me and him end up like this too?

Wait wait. I did not just think that, right I didn't wtf is wrong with me, I'm just tired I gotta sleep. Right sleep. Today I should just sleep and not study yay-

What if he's a total hottie now?

Oh God. I don't think I am sleeping tonight.

 I don't think I am sleeping tonight

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