t w e l v e

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4 months later.

"How did the exam go?" Big brother asked as he catched up to me.

'meh. Easy.' I said in a bored tone

"Why am I even asking? Every exam is easy for you." He said

'says the one who have been ranking 1st his high school' I punches his arm lightly

"Well I never say I do it easily. You rank 1st without even trying"



"Welcome home kids. How did the exam go?" Grandma welcomed us with a sweet smile.

'mhm it was good'
"I wonder if we will pass" big brother said in a playfull tone

"Oh shinro! Always joking around. Ofcourse you will. You both are gifted afterall." Grandma said shrugging him off
'grandma we work hard for these. It's not like we are gifted or something.' I said and put my shoes in the rack.

"You are always so down to earth that you won't accept it. How sweet" she said and patted my back. "Lunch is ready."




"Hm when will the result come out?" Grandpa asked looking at both of us
"Hmm...it usually comes out 2 weeks after examination. let's see." Big brother said
"Hiroki called us today. He said the house has been renovated and everything is set there. He asked if you guys wanna set your rooms by yourself or he should order the workers to do that too"
'uh I will set my room by myself.' I said
"Me too"

After having lunch I excused myself to take some rest. I went to my room and layed on my bed. That makes me think I should take a cell phone after all. I didn't really needed it so I never bought one. I wonder which school I will go too. All those years I barely got out of my house. I heard that the delinquent group that controls this area is a real evil one. To be honest for me all the delinquents are evil. Why would they cause trouble? Why is it fun for them to cause violence and hurt other. Middle school boys who should study and take care of their health ride bikes over the speed limit AT NIGHT. Cause trouble and fight. What does that get them? Fun? How is causing someone pain fun? I just don't get delinquents.


Later on Hiro-chan came over and we all had dinner.
After dinner Hiro-chan told us to start packing our things and that the house has been renovated. He told us we can move back in a week.
'how does it looks like now?' I asked him
"Oh you both are gonna love it." He said and then smirked. After he left Grandma started lecturing us on how we have to take our responsibility and how important it is to maintain hygiene and stuff.
'I know Grandma. The one you should be worried about is Nii-san. Not me'
"hey my room is clean!" He said turning to me
'only Because Grandma helps you.' I stuck my tongue out and then ran upstairs.


"Today is the day!" Big brother was really looking forward to this day. I mean I can't blame him he spent half of the time and home all that doesn't explain how he is still friendly  acquaintance with everyone. I could never.
'stop jumping around for god's sake the SUITCASE WILL BREAK'
"Naya-chan you should show some enthusiasm. It's a new page in our life." He said smiling brightly
'Hm..I hope this change will be a good one' I said quietly to myself after I finished packing my bags completely I said 'lets go and sit with Grandpa and grandma for the meantime and thank them properly this time.no jokes cause they aren't funny.' I said glaring at big brother.

"Awww sucks..."


"Take care okay?" Grandma hugged us
'you too grandma...I'll miss you' I said and kissed her cheek
"Shinro! Don't cause trouble and don't fight you two!" She said turning to Big brother
"Come on grandma you know I won't" he said and hugged her

"You two don't mess up your routine or I will bring you both here again. Especially you!" Grandpa said and held shinro's hair playfully.
"Aagh I-- I won't." Big brother said and grandpa laughed. He patted our head

"The car is ready both of you. Your stuff got on the car. Let's go."hiro chan said

We bid our final goodbyes to our Grandparents and sat in the car.
It's been 6 years since I last saw my house. Home. I smiled at the word.

"It's a 2 hour journey you two can sleep." Hiro-chan said from the front seat.

"Damn...I don't think I can sleep. Like we are finally going home! And I'm gonna go to highschool. I can't wait." Big brother said almost too exited

'alright then don't but stay quite cause I am trying to sleep' I said putting on my headsets.

"Huhh why? I thought we are gonna plan about what we will do after we reach! You know aren't you going to decorate your room??come on wake up!" He said shaking me

'stop no. Goodnight'

Hiro-chan chuckled and said "our sweet old nayaka."
I smiled and then dozed off.


"Wake up"




"Damn why are you screaming?" Big brother really had the guts to asked me that? After he woke me up as if the world was ending. Nevermind I will argue some other day.
"Come on Nayaka we are homeeee!"
Oh right. oh.
"Hey don't curse." Hiro-chan said
We got out of the car . "come on. Let me show you around. And leave your stuff. They will bring it." He turned toward 3 people.

"Nice to meet you.Nayaka-sama. Shinro-sama" they bowed at the same time.
'o-oh nice to meet you too.'
Damn almost forgot this feeling.
"This is our butler. Tadashi-san"
He looked kinda old. Probably in his 50s he gently bowed towards us "you can consult me whenever you need something"
Hiro-chan then introduced the two women "And these two are Emiko-san and Hana-san"
They bowed and said "we will always be at your service."
'u-uh thankyou. Nice to meet you two.'

"Come on now let me show you around." Hiro-chan said
Now that we are closer to the gate. Why the hell is it so huge-?
"Woah..it's even bigger than before"

Hiro-chan smiled and said "welcome home."

Author's note:

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Author's note:

Nayaka and shinro both study from home but for giving the exams they go to a school. So that they can advance their school years
Hope y'all liked it
Love y'all <3

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