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"Oh simple thing,where have you gone? I am getting old I need something to rely on."

"oh Nayaka

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"oh Nayaka. welcome home"

this isnt home...'h-hey dad? what's happening?' I said. my voice was shivering. is he leaving us?

"Go pack your bags." he said facing away from me. "we are leaving for United Kingdom."

'is it a trip..?when will we be back?'

"we are gonna live there from now on. stop asking so many questions Nayaka."

'what...?' he looked at me with anger. I have never seen dad like this

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY?" he yelled. I stood there trying to process of what just happened while tears were falling from my eyes.

"Stop it Ryoichi...She's a kid. Calm down man...?" hiro-chan interrupted Dad


"hey...what's wrong with you?" he said after a pause while dad just glared at him "go to your room Nayaka."

'I don't-'


I could say nothing..why is this happening? my family was already destroyed once...why again? I went to my room and saw big brother standing infront of our family portraits. I quietly went towards him and stood besides him. Memories started flooding my head. all of us laughing..the ones with hiro-chan. me and mom...

"Nayaka.." he said with teary voice...big brother is crying. "will we ever get to laugh like this again?" Big brother never asked me something. he was always the one with the answers..how am I supposed to answer him...once again I started crying. I am so pathetic. All I can do is cry.

you just don't know your strength


you are a tough opponent


you got potential


'Nii-san...I don't wanna leave. mom is here I don't wanna leave...'

"I don't wanna leave either Nayaka. I am sorry I can't help you...nii-san can't do anything. I am so sorry I couldn't protect us..." he sobbed. I can't see him cry.

just keep looking and don't give up kay? I will be rooting for you.

I remembered those words. why now?




'we are not going nii-san.' he looked at me with confusion. I smiled at him 'leave this to me okay? I got you this time.' I won't leave. I won't let big brother suffer anymore.I went back to the hall. Hiro-chan and dad was still arguing. I will be rooting for you. I smiled on those words Thank you shinchiro.

'dad.' both of them stopped and stared at me wide eyes. 'we are not leaving'


'I don't wanna go.'

"that's not unto you to decide!"

'Dad this is our home.'


'IF ITS LIKE THAT THEN I DONT WANNA BE HOME.' he paused and looked at me with shock.

"how can you raise your voice on me..?

'what is wrong with you dad! you were not like this. I know its hard on you. but its hard on me too,Its hard on all of us! but we are trying our best. dad we have memories here how can we leave this place? how can we leave mom behind? well I guess you can't understand can you? you were the one who left us! where were you when we needed you? don't you dare tell Hiro-chan that he isnt the part of our family, he has been more like a dad to me these 2 months then you have. I don't know dad? why did you leave us? and why are you telling us to leave mom! I won't accept it. ' I was crying. it was like months of frustration getting out. I did feel bad for dad. I just wanted everything to go back as it was. but its too late now

"your mom is..."

'I don't care if she doesn't remember me for god's sake. SHE IS STILL MY MOM. SHE IS STILL YOUR WIFE, DAD. will you stop loving her just because she got hurt and can't remember us? was it her fault. she didn't deserve it dad..she doesn't deserve to be left behind. I can't....'

Big brother, Hiro-cha, dad. none of them spoke 'I am not going. and so isnt Nii-san.'

after what it felt like eternity dad finally spoke up "Do whatever you want. I am leaving tomorrow" and left, slamming the front door.

"Nayaka" big brother suddenly hugged me "thank you"

'...its.its fine. I will go and sleep Im tired now' I won an argument from my dad. I am staying in Japan. isnt this what I wanted? I won for the first time in my life? why don't I feel good? why am I not happy?You won. but at what cost?

I am tired.

Author's note:

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Author's note:

I am not kidding when I say I CRIED writing this chapter.

I hope y'all enjoyed the angst :)
Love y'all <3

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