Part 8: School

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In the halls of memories, echoes of the past,
School days gone by, fading too fast.
Friends and teachers, a bond that won't last,
As we part ways, sadness casts.

Laughter once shared, now distant and faint,
In separate paths, we find our taint.
The ache of separation, like a silent plaint,
Leaving behind the memories, we taint.

Teachers who guided, with wisdom profound,
Now only echoes, their voices resound.
Their lessons ingrained, but no longer around,
Leaving an emptiness, profound.

Leaving behind the familiar, a bittersweet plight,
Sadness lingers, like shadows at night.
The comfort of routine, now out of sight,
Facing the future, with a heavy heart's weight.

But in the sorrow, a glimmer remains,
The cherished moments, like fragile grains.
Lessons learned, resilience gains,
Transforming sadness into strength's refrains.

Though the chapter ends, memories endure,
Lessons and friendships, forever pure.
Through tears and longing, we'll endure,
Carrying the essence of what we once were.

In the sadness, we find the strength to grow,
To embrace new beginnings, even when it's slow.
For in the depths of sorrow, resilience will show,
Leading us forward, as we let go.

So, with heavy hearts, we bid adieu,
To the memories, the friends we once knew.
In sadness and parting, strength will ensue,
For from the ashes of sorrow, resilience will brew.

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