Part 12: Sweet lies

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In the web of deceit, where they entwine,
Trapped into sweet lies, a bitter design.
The sting of betrayal, the hurt so fine,
Discovering their falsehoods, a painful sign.

They spin their tales, with skill and guile,
Leaving hearts entangled in a web so vile.
No passage to freedom, no respite, no smile,
Trapped into lies, trust's essence defiled.

With each whispered falsehood, the cage grows,
Confusion and doubt, like thorns in rows.
No way to break free, no pathway that shows,
Trapped into lies, where trust never flows.

Though trapped they may be, yearning for release,
With determination, they'll find inner peace.
Shattering illusions, lies' power will cease,
Escaping the grasp, where trust finds its lease.

Trapped into lies, there's a longing for trust,
But with strength and resilience, truth we adjust.
Breaking free from deceit, in ourselves we entrust,
For in the depths of honesty, our spirits combust.

So let us untangle the knots that confine,
In pursuit of truth, trust's light we'll align.
No longer trapped, let honesty define,
A world where lies dissolve, and trust will entwine.

They painted words like honey, dripping sweet,
Luring hearts with promises, a deceitful feat.
But beneath the sugary surface, truth's defeat,
Feeling the hurt, as illusions retreat.

Oh, the pain that lingers, once trust is shattered,
Emotions in turmoil, like dreams scattered.
The knowledge of their lies, a wound that's tattered,
Hurt seeping through, as innocence is battered.

Yet in the midst of sorrow, strength will arise,
A resolve to heal, to seek brighter skies.
No longer captive to their web of lies,
Finding solace within, where true strength lies.

For sweet lies may sting, but we'll rise above,
Embracing the truth, with resilience and love.
No longer entrapped by the lies we once wove,
Finding healing and growth, like a soaring dove.

So let the pain be a catalyst for change,
A reminder of our worth, not to be estranged.
We'll mend our broken hearts, and rearrange,
Moving forward with wisdom, as we exchange.

In the web of deceit, we've learned to discern,
To see through the veneer, and not be burned.
Feeling hurt, yet empowered to unlearn,
The lessons of sweet lies, as we yearn.

For in the depths of hurt, we find our might,
To reclaim our truth, to shine in our own light.
No longer held captive, no longer in fright,
We'll rise from the ashes, with hearts burning bright.

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