Part 15: Fake

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With smiles as sweet as honeyed grace,
Fake people approach, in friendship's embrace.
They need us, so their act they trace,
A dance of charm, a deceptive chase.

In the light of day, they're by our side,
With soothing words, they try to guide.
But behind our backs, their masks they hide,
Mocking our trust, as truth collides.

In the illusion of friendship, they thrive,
Using our trust, their motives they drive.
But behind closed doors, they connive,
Their deceitful nature, hard to survive.

In the echo of their laughter, so near,
Their intentions become brutally clear.
Our trust, they've manipulated and smeared,
Their intentions cruel, their hearts insincere.

Their laughter a façade, their words untrue,
Fake people's actions reveal a different view.
We thought they were real, a friendship grew,
But their hidden agenda, like morning dew.

We thought they were friends, a bond so deep,
Yet their true face, in shadows they keep.
Fake people's deceit, a secret they steep,
Leaving us wounded, in confusion we leap.

But we'll rise from this, stronger than before,
No longer deceived, their game ignored.
In a world of pretense, our wisdom restored,
We'll find true connections, our hearts will implore.

Yet from this experience, we'll learn and heal,
Unmasking the pretense, the hurt we'll seal.
In the midst of deception, the truth we'll feel,
Seeking genuine bonds, authenticity to reveal.

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