Part 13: Soap

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In the depths of solitude, a soul immersed,
Aching heart, a mind unrehearsed.
A person like a bar of soap, they find,
Unable to control their words unkind.

A slip of the tongue, a torrent unleashed,
Causing pain, friendships breached.
They long for connection, but often fail,
As their words become a piercing gale.

Haunted by mistakes, regrets in tow,
A cycle of pain, they come to know.
Unable to hold back, they overflow,
Leaving scars on hearts, a bitter blow.

In moments of despair, they introspect,
Recognizing the wounds they inflict.
The guilt consumes, they can't deflect,
Yearning to mend the bonds they've wrecked.

But with each attempt, it seems to worsen,
Their self-control becomes a burden.
They find themselves in solitude's prison,
Longing for friendship, yet living with the division.

They know the fault lies within their grasp,
A struggle to control, a daunting task.
Yet pain becomes their constant companion,
As they navigate a world where trust is undone.

Their yearning for connection burns deep,
A desire to heal wounds they've caused, to keep.
But in the absence of friends, they silently weep,
For the pain they've caused, in solitude they steep.

Oh, the ache of loneliness they endure,
Seeking redemption, a chance to secure.
To break free from the chains that constrict,
And find solace in friendships they'll never quit.

So they strive to change, to mend what's broken,
To soften their words, a love unspoken.
In the depths of their being, hope awoken,
To find forgiveness and a love unshaken.

In the realm of self-discovery, they reside,
A journey of growth, with each stride.
They learn to tame the words they confide,
To find connection, no longer denied.

For in the depths of pain, they find their strength,
To heal the wounds, to go to any length.
To mend the bridges, rebuild what's spent,
And rise above, with compassion and intent.

Though scars may linger, they'll persevere,
To find understanding, to draw others near.
No longer captive to their own fear,
They'll embrace friendship, with hearts sincere.

So let them strive to change their ways,
To mend the hurts of yesterdays.
With each step forward, a brighter phase,
Building bridges, embracing friendship's rays.

May their journey bring the solace they seek,
To find forgiveness and friendships unique.
No longer trapped in solitude's creek,
But thriving in connections that run deep.


Hi! This poem is inspired by Soap by Melanie Martinez.

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