Part 24: Drunk

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In the dim glow of a bar's neon light,
A soul seeks solace, an escape from the fight.
Not chasing highs, but shadows of the night,
A refuge from problems, where they take flight.

Life's burdens weigh heavy, like chains they wear,
Each day's struggles, a constant affair.
In the heart of the storm, they often bear,
Seeking solace in a glass, with a silent prayer.

The bottle's allure, a temporary release,
A moment's respite, a fleeting peace.
In its embrace, their worries decrease,
A sanctuary from life's endless lease.

Yet as dawn breaks and night's haze thins,
The truth remains, the battle within.
The bottle's balm, a superficial win,
But deeper pain persists under the skin.

Let's not judge, for in their quest to forget,
There's a story of pain they don't easily let.
A search for relief, a moment's reset,
In a world of chaos, a spark they beset.

So let compassion be our guide,
In the shadows where they often reside.
For behind the bottle's refuge, they confide,
A soul seeking solace, with wounds to hide.

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