Part 9: Father

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In a family shattered, a father's ego reigns,
Neglecting his loved ones, causing endless pains.
I understand your anger, the hurt it contains,
For a father who cared not, your heart still strains.

A father's role, love and care, he failed to show,
Leaving wounds deep, emotions in tow.
His ego consumed him, a heart cold and low,
Leaving you to navigate a world of woe.

You're not alone, dear child, in this plight,
Many hearts wounded, seeking love's light.
But remember, your worth shines bright,
Beyond a father's ego, take flight.

Though the pain runs deep, your spirit remains strong,
Resilience within you, proving him wrong.
Rise above the hurt, let your spirit belong,
Defying his ego, you'll find where you belong.

Hold your head high, despite the pain you feel,
Know that love's worth is something real.
Break free from the ego's steel,
Embrace a future where your happiness is ideal.

In the face of a father's ego, find your truth,
Your worth surpasses his flaws, that's the truth.
Release the anger, for it burdens your youth,
Embrace healing, resilience, and a life anew.

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