Part 18: Wishful

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In the heart of a dreamer, a wish takes flight,
A spark of hope, a beacon of light.
A world of possibilities, vast and bright,
In the realm of wishes, they find their height.

Through starlit nights, they cast their desires,
Yearning for change, the soul's inner fires.
A wishful person, their heart never tires,
Believing in magic, what the universe inspires.

In dreams they wander, on wishes they soar,
Imagining futures, unknown and unexplored.
A wishful person, with hopes to implore,
Their spirit's adventure, like tales of yore.

Where wishes roam, in realms so high,
A place where pain and stress say goodbye.
With hearts afloat, under endless sky,
A wishful world where joy does lie.

No burdens to bear, no worries to face,
Just happiness flowing, like a gentle embrace.
A life of tranquility, at a gentle pace,
In the wishful haven, we find our place.

Though reality brings its trials to fight,
In the realm of wishes, there's endless light.
A haven of peace, where dreams take flight,
Guiding our spirit, like stars burning bright.

Let us wish for moments so divine,
Where pain and stress gently decline.
In the wishful whispers of dreams entwined,
Happiness reigns, a treasure we'll assign.

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