Drinking Fun

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The Spiders had just gotten done with a really big mission their now gonna celebrate.

Chrollo: so we're all gonna be drinking our recent success

*Right now everyone is now 2 drinks in, let's see how they're doing*

Kortopi: *passed tf out*

Shalnark: *laughing his ass off for no apparent reason*

Hisoka: *fine*

Feitan: *already drunk as hell*

Chrollo: *sober as a mf*

Uvogin: *finding something in his room*

Machi: *dancing with Shizuku*

Pakunoda: *giving Phinks a lap dance*

Nobunaga: *also passed out*

Bolonov: *asleep in his room*

Uvogin: I found it! * Holds up a camera*

Uvogin started to record many videos. So let's look at them.

Video 1:

Feitan: *fourth drink in* imma strip!

Hisoka: *third drink in* Yea~ strip~

Feitan: someone turn on some music! *Grabs another drink*

Uvogin: *turns on freak ho*

Feitan: *fifth drink in* Who want a lap dance?! You look like you want a lap dance boss! *Gets off the table and gets on Chrollo's lap*

Video 2:

Machi: *fourth drink in* throw that ass in a circle Shizuku!

Shizuku: *sixth drink in* *shaking her ass on Machi*

Machi: we should put somebody in a dress!

Shizuku: yea! Feitan!

Feitan: *eighth drink in* wha?

Shizuku and Machi: can we put you in a dress?

Feitan: yea!

Shalnark: *seventh drink in* put me in one too!

Video 3:

Feitan: damn I look fine as hell! *Starts posing*

Shalnark: why's it so short?

Uvogin: say cheese!

Feitan: let's go out! * Goes and grabs Chrollo*

Shalnark: what about me?

Feitan: find your own protection

Video 4:

Chrollo had Feitan up against a random wall and they were making out

Shizuku: Uvo quit recording that! * Slaps the camera and it goes black*

The next morning Uvogin was found in a innocent family's house

Feitan was naked in bed with Chrollo

Shizuku and Machi were passed out on the kitchen floor

Hisoka was arrested last night because he broke into someone's house and tried to terrorize the kids

Phinks was asleep on the couch

Pakunoda was alseep in her room

Drinking nights can get a little crazy in the Spider base

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