Hisoka harassing Feitan and kortopi

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Chrollo: everyone!

Everyone: *keeps talking*

Chrollo: LISTEN TO ME!

Everyone: *stops talking*

Chrollo: anyways we have a new member his name's Hisoka

Hisoka: *walks in* hey~

Everyone: *stares*

Hisoka: *looks at Feitan* mHmMmHm is the fruit ripe~

Feitan: what fruit?

Hisoka: damnnn~ pink hair girl is fine~ I'd love to relieve some stress with her

Machi: not a chance clown

Hisoka: where the kids at?~

Shalnark: bro...WHAT

Shizuku: we commit crimes, just not p*dophilia

Nobunaga: someone tell him to leave

Hisoka: but the fruit~ *looks at kortopi* doesn't look ripe~

Kortopi: I'm uncomfy

Feitan: me to

Chrollo: maybe y'all shoulda told omokage to beat his ass

Feitan: kick him out, get omokage bac

Shizuku: please

Hisoka: but the kids~ aHhHHhhH~

Phinks: why he moaning?

Hisoka: I'm blow the short ones back out

Feitan: I kill you if try

Kortopi: I would lose if I fought him, so somebody protect me

Phinks: don't worry, he won't touch either of you

Hisoka: I'll touch you too~


Phinks, Feitan and kortopi all sat in the corner afraid of the possibility of getting touched.

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