Feitan's Journal (Diary)

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Phinks: hmm what is this? Feitan's dia-journal

Shizuku: we should read it while Feitan is gone

Everyone: yea!

Entry 1:

Dear, paper

I bought journal dont know why

But I did

Today Boss didnt let me torture the chain user

I mad about that why not let torture him?

It not make sense

-the BEST torturer, Feitan

Entry 2:

Dear, piece of paper

Ever since Stripper Saturday with Tanny, Hotopi, Magic, Berry and Hoku

Phinks has act weird
We slept together that night

Me no get it
It just sex?

I slept with most in our "gang"
Not Paku, Zuku, Machi, and Nobunaga

Kortopi and me havent slept wit one another but weve had threesome wit Shal


Phinks: I've acted weird?

Shalnark: why would he write about that?

Shizuku: didn't know Feitan was into stuff like that, let's keep reading

*Feitan's Journal (Diary)*


I'm confused
Becaue Hisoka been looking at me weird

I'm scared

-a very scared torturer, Feitan

Entry 3:

Dear, torn peice of paper

Sorry for tearing you


I think Machi and Zuku are sleeping together

I was walking past Zuku room and heard strange noise

Me theroy not concrete but idk

If are I happy for them


-sincerly yours, Feitan


Machi: we aren't by the way

Shizuku: she's my best friend that's all

Entry 4:

Dear, Feitan


It's Hisoka~

Why are you writing in a diary?~


Why are you scared?~

I look at everyone like that~

Actually, no I don't~

I only look at people like that when I'm curious if the fruit is ripe or not~

So tell me how old you are and I'll stop~

Love, Hisoka the Magician

Entry 5:

Dear, tainted journal (not diary)

I sorry Hisoka touched you

But you never guess what happen today


it was amaze

I got new shirt and pant

Shirt has skull and pant are cargo (what does cargo mean?)

I have to go we have mission

Sory bye

-a sorry torturer, Feitan


Feitan: why reading my journal?

Everyone just ran away leaving the journal on the couch

Feitan was confused

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